Prayers to those at Fort Hood TEXAS

I'd like to see him executed. He also needs to be totally humiliated first. Strut him through town naked. Force pork lard down his throat and shoot him in the head with a bullet that has been soaked in bacon grease. I think that'll take care of the whole martyr ending thing.

Yeh fight this thing by descrating what the martyrs hold sacred. We as U.S. citizens hold life, liberty, and the pursuit of happyness sacred. More pork for muslim terrorist scum!
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This is definitely a sensitive issue -- but let's not lose our self-control in dealing with this by resorting to stereotypes and blanket statements about particular religions.

BYC is a global community, not just an American one.
Quite frankly this attack has nothing to do with this man being Muslim any more than the Charles Whitman killings had to do with him being Christian. Nut jobs abound in this country, unfortunately.

This thread was about prayers for the victims, not villifying the criminal.

My thoughts and prayers are with the folks at Fort Hood.
mom'sfolly :

Quite frankly this attack has nothing to do with this man being Muslim any more than the Charles Whitman killings had to do with him being Christian. Nut jobs abound in this country, unfortunately.

This thread was about prayers for the victims, not villifying the criminal.

My thoughts and prayers are with the folks at Fort Hood.

agreed. lots of people are muslim, and lots of people disagree with the war in iraq, and most of them, if they choose to do anything, protest peacefully. I don't think that his religion should matter in this case.​
Sorry thought he died. Didn't realize he survived. I don't thinks his religous beliefs should come into play here.
God bless the fallen and their families.
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I don't want to stir the pot here, but here goes. Yes, this happened in Texas, but this happened on a military base. The federal government/military will prosecute this soldier not Texas. As far as I know (being ret. military) they won't put him to death, they will give him life in prison. Therefore, civilians will have nothing to do with this. He will be tried by military personel, and a military jury as well. Sorry to hijack this thread, just had to let civilians know.
You have a way with words.

Quite often I am amazed at the number of people with mental issues that kill, that come out of our area!!! This guy went to school here! Disturbing to say the least.

I am also one to say - let's wait until the FULL story comes out to throw opinions around. He was clearly disturbed enough to take many lives.
I don't want to stir the pot here, but here goes. Yes, this happened in Texas, but this happened on a military base. The federal government/military will prosecute this soldier not Texas. As far as I know (being ret. military) they won't put him to death, they will give him life in prison. Therefore, civilians will have nothing to do with this. He will be tried by military personel, and a military jury as well. Sorry to hijack this thread, just had to let civilians know.

You are correct. And let it be said that military prisons are no picnic either.

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