Praying for our Friends in Texas

Thank you thank you thank you!!

Hurricane Harvey is now a Category 4 and it hasn't hit land yet. It could be a long night around here. So far, we have received a little over an inch and the wind is starting to pick up. We are under a tornado warning. Which do you think will hit first....the hurricane or the tornado? :lol:

Seriously those who are close to the gulf, be safe and let us know how you are doing.
I am in Rosenberg, sw of Houston. We have received a little over 9" rain so far. Tornado warnings all night. Our neighbors came and stayed with us (6) until a little after midnight.

My flock seems to be okay. At 6:15 they are usually clamoring to get out the door. This morning they were still on the roost.

I believe you're in the area that could see as much as 40" when all is said and done. My thoughts are with all Texans this morning. Y'all stay safe! :hugs

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