Predator attack

Our best guess is a dog 🐕 attack. The neighbors had the father die 2 weeks ago and now there are a minimum of 6 new chihuahuas and possibly 10...we lost a silver laced Wyandotte and the buff orpington survived...we have made our chain link fence more secure. The flock is visibly shaken and definitely not the flock they were 4 days ago. The reason we are saying dog is we saw where something(small) dug under the fence very close to where they all dust bathe. Nothing was eaten on the dead bird and you saw the injuries that the orpington had.
Yes its her vent she is laying on her back
Vetericyn Wound Spray is good to use on wounds, or you can use chlorhexidene weakened with water, weak betadine, or saline. Plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment are excellent to use after cleaning twice a day to keep her wounds from drying out.
Her vent looks pretty ripped up. I would be inclined to soak her bottom in warm Epsom salts water at least once a day to clean it up and heal it. A dish pan, sink, or bucket works well for that. You can also use warm saline or salt water (1/4 tsp salt per 8 ounce cup of water) to spray or squirt on the wound especially after she poops, to keep the vent and wound clean. She should eventually heal, but again her vent might be damaged in the future. That may affect her control of her droppings, or cause trouble laying eggs. Let us know how she gets along.
How is she doing now?
I agree with the above plan by @Eggcessive hopefully this will get her on the way to recovery.
Keep us posted.
Chicken ER
I trimmed away some of the feathers that appeared to be touching the wound. Wiped it clean antibacterial spray and applied antibiotic(neosporin) to the area. She's not into the whole taking pictures of her this early in the morning. There is an oder but appears to be normal poop smell...I think... 20200925_064909.jpg
I would just make sure that she can pass droppings, and it is good to watch for anything abnormal. Chicken poops can vary from the normal solid poops with white urates, to the occasional smelly sticky cecal poops that resemble chocolate or butterscotch pudding.
MORE CHICKEN DRAMA...Can stress in chickens cause them to molt ? We try to get pairs of breeds when we purchase them..kinda like Noah. The silver laced Wyandotte that died in the predator attack has a sister bird, I may have missed this due to concentrating on the orpington BUT she(the wynndotte) is missing quite a few neck feathers that today are VERY apparent. She just turned 1 the 10th of the month. I picked her up to take a look and noticed breast feathers missing also but significantly less than the neck. I can find no injuries of any kind. HELP?
MORE CHICKEN DRAMA...Can stress in chickens cause them to molt ? We try to get pairs of breeds when we purchase them..kinda like Noah. The silver laced Wyandotte that died in the predator attack has a sister bird, I may have missed this due to concentrating on the orpington BUT she(the wynndotte) is missing quite a few neck feathers that today are VERY apparent. She just turned 1 the 10th of the month. I picked her up to take a look and noticed breast feathers missing also but significantly less than the neck. I can find no injuries of any kind. HELP?
Don't panic.
Yes, stress can trigger a molt, but it's also the season for molting.

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