Predator identification help please! *seek and destroy*



Sep 30, 2018
Since the passing of my Liege Fighter rooster last month, I have lost over half my free range flock to predators. We are located in rural western Iowa which is in the central United States

What I know:
Predator takes grown hens, cockrels, grow outs and babies indiscriminately both single kills and in mass.

Birds as large as 12 pounds have been taken in broad daylight.

Predator is something that would have been frightened of a 14 pound, 32 inch high rooster but not a regular sized rooster, loud music or cats

Animal can manipulate and open 3 way latches and is strong enough to tear open pens made of anything but welded wire. Can and has chewed through 1x4 lumber.

Kills happen at all times of day and night, have happened in the barn, garage and yard.

Bodies are not always eaten but always show evidence of chew damage even when only feathers are found.

The predator prefers strong, large chickens. I have 2 disabled chickens who can hardly walk, they are never targeted even when used as live bait for a camera trap.

Cats previously thought guilty have been removed from our property or were in the closed up garage at the time of the most recent attack today except one. He was found cowering under a truck. The body of the hen has not been located after a thorough search leading me to believe he is not guilty. The search took place within 5 minutes of the attack based on when we discovered the feathers.

Photos below are of the "crime scene" today. Photos of mud in the area enhanced in an effort to identify tracks. A aerial map of the property with points of interest marked:
Purple is fox dens
Dark blue is where we have found raccoons or opossum living in the past.
Grey is woodchuck/prairie dog dens
Orange dots are locations of previous kills, bodies found and feather piles from attacks.
Red is location of today's feather piles
Light blue is my pens and the room that contains them.
Yellow is the rest of the poultry barn which is empty and not secured.
Large building is a large old barn used for straw and tool storage.
Green is our attached garage.
The farmers to the NW, NE and SE own dogs.


Below is the smaller feather pile right at the pens chicken entrance. Feathers did not extend into the pens.
this next photo is the main feather pile toward the center of the yard. Stray feathers trailed towards the driveway to the west, but not past the chicken door to the east. No feathers found in other directions.

Below is a close up of possible tracks between the two piles.

Lastly the chicken taken was the 1.5 year old Brahma on the left below. The picture was taken less than 24hrs sho.
Her name was Carrie and she is survived by her sister Samantha. She weighed about 9lbs.
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At what time of day. Fox will take them especially if it has babies. Raccoons are mostly but not all the time early morning late evenings or after dark. I can’t really see a clear track in th mud might be missing it.
Trap the foxes on the other side of the road. If you don’t own it try and get permission.
I’ve had the same exact thing happen with a fox crossing the street and into my front yard.
At what time of day. Fox will take them especially if it has babies. Raccoons are mostly but not all the time early morning late evenings or after dark. I can’t really see a clear track in th mud might be missing it.
This happened about an hour ago at about 2pm. I'm not an experienced tracker and just posted the photo because there seemed to be markings to me, but again I am not experienced in such things unfortunately
Trap the foxes on the other side of the road. If you don’t own it try and get permission.
I’ve had the same exact thing happen with a fox crossing the street and into my front yard.
I do not own anything north of the road. But that man is a avid hunter and gunshots are heard several days a week. I haven't seen any foxes yet this year, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. I'll talk to the guy about it
How big are the tracks?
Inch by inch estimate would help.
I'm not positive it is tracks, just looked like it may be so I posted the photo for anyone experienced in those things. I have seen dog like tracks early this summer the size of a collies foot, slender but definitely canine about 3x3.5 inches.
I'm not positive it is tracks, just looked like it may be so I posted the photo for anyone experienced in those things. I have seen dog like tracks early this summer the size of a collies foot, slender but definitely canine about 3x3.5 inches.

I actually DO see tracks in your photo. They looked canine to me.

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