Predator Proofing Run - 2 Chickens Killed


In the Brooder
May 3, 2022
Looking for help seeing what else (if anything) I can do predator proof an outdoor (no ceiling/roof) run created by a heavy-duty electric fence.

Over last 6 weeks a predator has killed two of my chickens within the electric fence run (one when the fence wasn't on, my mistake) but the second time the fence was fully energized and working as we tested it after discovering the kill.

The predator was trying to drag the dead chicken over the fence netting when I interrupted it (other chickens sounded the alarm). From what we can tell the predator would have either gone under the fence and withstood being shocked (?) or it jumped clear over the fence (4 ft) and killed the chicken in the run. We think it was the same predator as last time (which only had evidence of feathers everywhere in run, no chicken body remaining). In my region (Nova Scotia, Canada) we suspect bobcat or fox (evidence of both in our area).

The outdoor run connects to their indoor run so they can run into it for safety. We really only put the chickens in the outdoor run when we are home and make sure to electrify the fence.

We've cleared the brush/undergrowth around outside of the electric fence now with like a 3 ft border. We're wondering if we need to abandon the outdoor run altogether, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to further predator proof an outdoor run (or do we cut our losses and just switch to a chicken tractor or a bigger indoor run?).

Chicken 1 was fully missing with feathers all over, Chicken 2 was still there as I interrupted predator (looks like the predator was trying to drag it away by its neck).

Photos attached so you can get a visual!


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Lazy predators! You're right, a boob cat or fox could jump that without batting an eye. Can you build a bigger taller run?
Possibly! I can certainly research higher electric fences (like something more permanent). We got this netting type as we thought we may move it around more to encourage regrowth of grass and such, but we haven't done much of that so maybe a more permanent/higher fence is the next move.
It could be a smaller run, or perhaps a tractor? How many chickens do you have?
Only 8 now (used to have 10 obviously). Hopefully will get a couple more in the Spring and bring the flock back up to the 10 mark.

If we go the tractor route, we're trying to figure out how to get the chickens into it (tunnel, manually?). But a higher smaller outdoor run is also an option (though they won't have access to fresh grass and such that way). So torn!
This critter will return so locking the flock in a safe space, at least for a couple of weeks, will save them for now. Meanwhile, a game camera will help ID this predator, because it will return, maybe very soon. Then, consider trapping and shooting it!
Obviously if it's a raptor, the height of your wall is irrelevant. But a ground predator should be able to be deterred, at least.

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