Predator Proofing the Run


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
For lack of better words I have an old dog run that I am trying to convert to a coop / run for my 8 week old Bantam chickens. The fencing for the run is a metal fence (Cattle fence maybe?) that criss cross eachther to form 2" x 4" squares. I picked up 3' tall hardware cloth roll to circle the run at ground level so that the raccoons cannot get in. My question is will the 3' high be enough that I can use the cattle fencing the rest of the way or will I need to cover everything with hardware cloth? (if the cattle fence isn't sufficeint at that level would chicken wire work over top of the cattle fence since it's a little cheaper?

Thanks! This site is very helpful for a newbie like me.
Most large predators can't get through a 2"x4" should be ok with it except that things like snakes and weasels can still enter.

The hardware cloth (1/2" or smaller) around the lower 3' should do good at stopping "reach throughs" by coons and also to keep chickens from sticking their heads through the fence and getting it chomped off. One thing I would look at doing is digging out an inch or two of dirt from around the perimeter of the pen for about 12-24 inches and laying down an apron of 2"x4" welded wire or 1/2" hardware cloth that is connect closely to the bottom edge of the pen fence. This will help prevent digging predators from getting in.

Just some thoughts,
To be safe and if you have the funds I would do the whole run in Hardware cloth as well as skiting it which means attaching it at the bottom and laying it flat on the outside so things such as dogs can't dig under.
Chicken wire is good for keeping chickens in but bad for keeping anything with teeth out.
One last thing if a coon wants in and you have an open top it will climb to get in so you may want to enclose the top of it.

Good Luck to you
I do want to enclose the top, do you think the cattle fence will keep them out? (would a rat chew through the chicken wire?) the whole pen is on a concrete slab which I am triming and filling with sand for the chicks......
Rat probably won't chew through the chicken wire....will just go through the holes unless you get some of the $mall stuff. How big is your concrete slab that you're working with?

Rat probably won't chew through the chicken wire....will just go through the holes unless you get some of the $mall stuff. How big is your concrete slab that you're working with?


The slab is 8' x 16'. It originally had a metal fence around it with 6" x 6" squares. when I had chickens a couple years ago I had thee smaller cattle fence? but a raccoon did get them so now I am trying to make Ft. Knox for my little ones. I am building a coop inside it and would like the pen preadator proof and then let them free range when I am home....

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