predators and pests


6 Years
Jun 18, 2013
Hi folks. I am new to this site, and since the pic posted of the coop I built I have added the run, and have 2 jersey giants one a rooster, and 5 white plymouth rocks. All about 13 weeks. Going good so far except keeping them out where idont want them. I found what works best is the device called THE CROW. Its a motion activated water sprinkler. You place it where you dont want them to your garden, your car, porch works by sprinkling harmless water out for a few seconds where it detects movement, chasing away deer, rabbits, coons, possums, and chickens.....dogs...cats..etc. you can find it on amazon or order it thru walmart. Its adjustable for range, and can be set up in series. Just hook up yourgardenhose to it, and set it where you want it. I lock up my chickens in the coop at night, and was thinking of placing one towards it at night. So if a predator did come near it should deter it/them. I can attest to it working. Mychickens scatter when they get near my raised gardenbeds. Hope this helps.
Sprinkled water may work for awhile but my birds love to go out in the rain. The first sign of a light rain and they are out scratching for worms as they are drawn out of the ground. May work but I would not put my faith in it to scare away a hungry coyote from a quick grab.
Thats true about a may not deter it. Mychickens too like the rain, but the noise from the sprinkler scares deer away, and the chickens from mygardens. They now wont go near it. I free range my chickens, and so far no problems, and locking them in tight in the coop at night eases my mind, but like you said ya never know you cant watch over them all the time. Thanks for the reply folks.

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