

7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
So far I've lost 4 of my hens they just disappeared from their pen.
Yesterday I found one in the pen with its chest ripped open
I cant think of what will do this in the day time.
OMG!! A Hawk was in the chicken coop eating my little short stuff (silkie).
The Hawk was not even trying to leave as I got closer to the coop, so I closed the door.
It is locked in the coop and now I have to wait for my Husband to come home.
Can anyone tell me where to go to find a "list" of the common predators in my area?
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Because we will in the middle of nowhere land I did lose a lot of birds to different things... Foxes mostly ... Not any more.... I got Emu's... They r only 10 mths... Only have had then for 3 days... And found died foxs in pen... But all ducks and chickens are there... Go big bird
Something that I always suggest, and its just for timid predators such as foxes and racoons etc, is to run a small radio in your coop on talk radio if possible. A lot of predator will think there are people near and will keep their distance. Others are more determined and may not, but its always worth a try.

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