Prefab Chicken Coop Rip-Off?

:old I usually don't like to bad mouth any particular product, but as a backyard flock owner for many years, I just want to tell first time chicken owners to please stay away from the prefab chicken coop setups like the one currently being sold at our local Fleet store for $749.00.

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They call this their large coop option, but the actual coop is only about 3X3 feet, which is really not even enough room for 3 chickens if you follow the 4 square feet per bird. The wood that comes with the kit is very cheap, and I cannot imagine it standing up to time. There is a pull-out tray for cleaning the coop, but, IMHO, that is about the worse design for cleaning options. Those pull out trays are known for causing all kinds of problems. I really have nothing good to say about this coop.

If you are going to put together a prefab kit, just go the extra effort and build yourself a better coop from any of the legit designs for coop builds you can find here on the BYC forums and elsewhere. I think this prefab coop is nothing but a heartbreak to come, as you will soon find out that it is not up to the task for much of anything.

:idunno If someone has bought this type of coop, and you disagree with my warnings, then please let me know why the coop works for you. Maybe it is a great choice for some people.

:caf If you bought this type of coop and now feel that you got burned, maybe +1 on this warning so newbies don't get fooled. I would love to hear your thoughts.
Got one on clearance and using as a transition coop just to lock up at night. No bird would be happy 24 7 in it unless citi dwellers with 1 or 2 hens for eggs.

This is working well for me. 1st coop. 1 Silky and 4 Frizzles.
I got one from someone on Marketplace for $50. I had to reinforce it and make some modifications, and it’s not stable at all so I had to tie it down. I only used it as a “brooder” for one of our hens who kept losing her babies. Now her 3 babies use it but I’ll introduce them into the regular coop here soon, and only use it as a “hospital”.
I think I was extremely lucky. My friend got 6 chicks last year and bought her coop/run from TSC for $650, then an additional fenced run on Amazon for $200. I told DH how amazing it looked and that I wanted the same setup for our chicks this year. Then She told me stories about the nest box door flying open in the wind and a crack on top where rain kept leaking in. I told DH about that, so instead he found a very solid homemade well-built 4x5 wood coop on CL and surprised me for Christmas. I was very excited although disappointed I could only get 4-5 chicks lol. I looked at it & figured out how I wanted to add ventilation and possibly vinyl on the wood floor. Fast forward to spring. Our friend who’s a contractor was going to put up a garden fence and patio for us this summer. He came over to do an estimate, and offered to build us a bigger coop for the cost of materials only. 😳 The whole fence project, coop, & run is cheaper than buying a 8x8 shed. Guess who’s getting free eggs for life? 😂. I can’t even believe it. So now my FIL is getting my coop gift and 4 chicks from my summer hatch! Crazy how things change…BYC has been the best place to learn. Although some comments do come across as “judgy”, I think people are genuinely trying to prevent newbies from wasting money and making a big mistake. ❤️
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I have been a chicken owner for one year now. Building a chicken coop myself was not an option due to lack of ability and equipment. I don’t have a husband any more. Divorced not dead! So I brought an Eglu Cube which is supposed to house 6 chickens. My flock is only three presently. I really love my cube. It is plastic & mites are not a problem. It is easy to clean which I do on a weekly basis. I have a fenced in area that the chickens are free to roam. Unfortunately grass is now a distance memory in the fenced in area. B15926EE-6AFE-45C2-9FFE-13EAEDC2E991.jpeg
I was just looking at pre-fabs online for the first time a few days ago. I was surprised by how tiny, expensive and poorly constructed they all were. I wanted something for 4 birds and in 2 hours I didn't find anything for under $900 that I thought would comfortably fit that amount.

I've settled on converting an old plastic kid's playhouse and putting it under a stand alone run from wayfair or something. $300 max and it would actually be able to comfortably fit some adult chickens.

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