Pregnant Parakeet

You do know that birds don't get pregnant, right?

Signs of Complications​

Parakeets can commonly become egg bound, often when the mother has not received enough vitamins or variety in her food, or is lacking in calcium. When the bird becomes egg bound, the egg gets stuck is the vulva and can put pressure on the bird's internal organs, eventually causing death. Signs of this complication include a swollen abdomen (the birds belly will not swell up unless there is a problem), labored breathing or limping. The limping may be a sign of severe nerve damage cause by a caught egg. Sitting on the ground for prolonged periods of time is also a sign of difficulty.

It is important to get your bird to an experienced avian veterinarian if you think there is even the slightest possibility that your bird is egg bound. If you do not get help, there is a high likelihood that your parakeet will die, according to Practical Pet Care's Bird Forum.

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You do know that birds don't get pregnant, right?

Signs of Complications​

Parakeets can commonly become egg bound, often when the mother has not received enough vitamins or variety in her food, or is lacking in calcium. When the bird becomes egg bound, the egg gets stuck is the vulva and can put pressure on the bird's internal organs, eventually causing death. Signs of this complication include a swollen abdomen (the birds belly will not swell up unless there is a problem), labored breathing or limping. The limping may be a sign of severe nerve damage cause by a caught egg. Sitting on the ground for prolonged periods of time is also a sign of difficulty.

It is important to get your bird to an experienced avian veterinarian if you think there is even the slightest possibility that your bird is egg bound. If you do not get help, there is a high likelihood that your parakeet will die, according to Practical Pet Care's Bird Forum.

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Thank you.

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