Premature egg?


Jul 28, 2019
This morning I went to let the girls out and I found an egg in the poop tray under the perch. The shell is so thin it looks almost more like tinted membrane. Right next to a fat piece of poop. The hen who did this is fairly new to laying. Is it a thing where they think they have to poop and they shoot out a not-ready-for-primetime egg? Anything I can do to prevent this or is it just a function of her being new at this? Thanks!
Sounds like calcium deficiency. Often when chickens aren't getting enough calcium in their diet the shells of their eggs will not form to be hard and come out soft. If you don't already, offer oyster shells to your chickens. Some people also will crush and bake their chicken's egg shells and offer that as a source of calcium as well. Which ever your chickens prefer better. You can buy oyster shells at Tractor Supply, online, and other stores alike. Hope this helps!
The hen who did this is fairly new to laying.
Not unusual for new layers to lay softshell eggs, and they often appear in places other than the nest because they don't 'feel' like eggs.

Anything I can do to prevent this or is it just a function of her being new at this?
Yep. Just a start up glitch.
I'll assume you are feeding layer feed and/or offering Oyster Shell 'on the side' so she has the calcium she needs to keep producing egg shells.
Not unusual for new layers to lay softshell eggs, and they often appear in places other than the nest because they don't 'feel' like eggs.

That’s what I was thinking, because she did it in the poop tray earlier than she normally lays, and there was a big ol’ hunk of poop right next to it lol

Yep. Just a start up glitch.
I'll assume you are feeding layer feed and/or offering Oyster Shell 'on the side' so she has the calcium she needs to keep producing egg shells.

Yes, they’re on layer feed and I have treats for them with oyster shells. They also live baby spinach, which is full of calcium. I’m in the run hanging out with them now while they play with and snack on it
oh hey! i didn’t know that! i’ll watch their intake. i only give it to them once every couple of weeks but i won’t go wild with it this week, thanks!
They also live baby spinach, which is full of calcium
As I understand it, the oxalic acid in the spinach binds with the calcium in the spinach and it does not get absorbed.
Something tickling my brain that spinach can inhibit birds uptake of calcium.
Layer feed with Oyster Shell in a separate feeder is plenty of calcium.
I just did a thread about this.

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