Preparing for my first flock


5 Years
Nov 13, 2014
Northern California
Hello all,
My name is Jennifer and I live in Northern California. I have wanted chickens for a very long time. I finally feel that we are at a time in our lives that we can take on chickens. We are in the process of retrofitting the wood shed as a coop. We are going to rebuild parts of it and revamp for ventilation, brood boxes, storage, and an attached yard. It will be a bit of work but I am really excited and the husband is finally on board. We anticipate chicks in March that will live in the garage until they are ready for the outside coop. I am having a ton of fun reading up on the different breeds and like so many. 2 of my 4 kids are enjoying the chicken research and talk. I look forward to sharing in this community as I get my coop built, receive and hand raise new chicks and then the transition out to the coop.
Welcome! Ask us all your chicken questions and we will try to help! But beware...chickens are addictive!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Sounds like you are very prepared for your flock!!

Be sure to check out our learning center fore more on raising chickens

Have you thought about breeds yet? Some of the best breeds for both egg production and kids include: buff orpingtons, black australorps, sussex, barred rocks, EEs, buckeyes and wyandottes. Buff orpingtons are my personal favorite. They are affectionte and friendly. Plus they are cold hardy and bear confinement well. They lay large, brown eggs daily.

Good luck!
I am fond of quite a few breeds.Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Wyandottes, Americauna, RIR, NHR, and a handful of others. I was looking at the breed section of this website and it has the ability to click on a button regarding wanting a breed. I did that for a bunch but am not able to find all of them grouped together for reference. I am already talking chicken with anyone that will listen. Hopefully the hubby won't make me sleep in the coop if I can not contain my excitement.
Hi Jennifer, pleased to meet you. Glad you joined the Backyard chickens flock. I bet once you actually get chicks, all four children will be on board. Who can resist baby chicks? BYC is here 24/7 if you need help or advice.
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. Raising chickens is a great experience for children. My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. I have had all of the breeds on your list at one time or another over the past 50 years, and still have Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, and Easter Eggers (Ameraucanas). Black Australorps and Buff Orpingtons are both very calm and gentle breeds. My children, and now my granddaughter, made lap pets of them. Our Easter Eggers (Americaunas) are my granddaughter's favorites. She loves their colored eggs. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You have come to the right place for all the fun and learning! Definitely stop by our learning center. Lots of good articles on raising your chicks and adult birds.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to ask. Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!

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