Preparing for this BirdFlu outbreak?

Never found in Wild Turkeys?

Question is: Does APHIS USDA test them specifically? — We wouldn’t know without regular testing protocols in place for them. As of now, the AI surveillance program is drawn up to monitor & test Waterfowl. The data they get from this tells us whether AI is present or not in our Bird population.

It definitely spread like wild fire through 6 separate Commercial Turkey Farms around Indiana...
I think it was 171,000 turkeys that were culled there. 😕
That's why I thought it was interesting that it hasn't been found in wild ones, although, of course, different circumstances entirely.
I think they test them if they are found. And same with wild songbirds.. If a number of dead ones are found, then yes, they test them if they're made aware.
Well, of course; thats obvious…and, just common sense… If there’s a series of deaths of any wild animal/species. The CDC, Fish & Game and the such, would investigate and test them for all possible things.

We’re taking about AI surveillance here, however…

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