Prettiest Easter Egger Contest! Ended

I love how long his tail feathers are! We recently got rid of an EE cockerel that was supposed to be a girl.:hmm
Thank you! Yeah, I love his tail. He likes it when I pet it too. Unfortunately, he's molting right now, and it's...not quite as gorgeous at the moment. 😅
This boy was supposed to be a girl too. That's why his name is Bunny. :lau
Here is my Easter Egger, Egghead 2. She was 4 years old and one of two remaining from my original flock, but unfortunately, she passed away a few months ago. She laid big blue eggs but they always broke because her shells were too thin and her favorite thing to do was sunbathing every chance she got.
Egghead 2 (10).JPG

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