Pretty sure I have 2 roos...


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2015
Huntington Beach, CA
These guys are just about 4 weeks old but the two light colored ones have very prominent combs and I'm beginning to see red underneath one's beak(#2) (waddle?) Any thoughts on the gender of these guys? Thanks for the input!




#1, #2, and #4 are looking like cockerels (though #4 might be a pullet). #3 looks like a pullet.

What makes you think maybe cockerel for #4? Just so I know what to look for. Our mailman thought it might be a boy too. It's the oldest chick of the 4 by a few days. I really hope it's not because we are especially attached to that chick.
What makes you think maybe cockerel for #4? Just so I know what to look for. Our mailman thought it might be a boy too. It's the oldest chick of the 4 by a few days. I really hope it's not because we are especially attached to that chick.
It has a rather large comb for its age (though, the comb isn't red yet).

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