Pretty sure this is a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, but please help...


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
DeLand, FL
Hi all! Hatched this one myself from eggs I got from a breeder... these were just meant to be EE's... the pen had a blue wheaten roo over plain faced wheaten and blue wheaten hens, I believe, which is why she was just marketing them as EE's. I just wanted the pretty eggs.
At any rate, I have two others that appear to be plain faced wheaten hens, but this one looks like she might be the real deal. If anyone could comment or critique, that would be great... my boys might show her at fair if she is a quality bird, otherwise she'll just keep being my little baby.
She is about 9 weeks old, and very sweet. (ps please agree she is a pullet... lol roosters do have a home, but it is not here, and I love "her")





Thanks for looking! I love seeing eveyone's pics in these threads!
I really hate to nay-say since you're so excited about your bird. I do not believe that it is a true Blue Wheaten, or female. Female Blue Wheatens have a buff body with a few light blue feathers in the tail sometimes.

That comb is very wide and pink for 9 weeks. Also, color leakage into the wingbow pattern tends to point to a male when you are talking about Ameraucanas.

I hope I'm wrong for your sake, but it's a really lovely and gorgeous bird no matter what!
That's ok, I'll live.
Do you know if bearded birds are more likely to be male? It seems like all of the bearded EE's we hatch end up with the red feathers... LOL.
I will see how it feathers out - so far there are no pointed saddle feathers, which is why I am thinking pullet, at least... we'll see!
The other EE's that are the same age and very "hen colored" have combs the same color.
Thanks for your input!
I don't think it's pure blue wheaten but it's gorgeous! Her comb doesn't look quite right and neither does her coloring to be pure.

I believe you have a pullet. She's got a wide, pink comb - but I've had a few pullets pink up early on and kept me guessing. Also, in my experience, boys tails tend to be carried higher and start curving by 9 weeks. Another week or two should confirm it.
OK, thanks.
I was looking at pics, and she does seem to have too much blue type feathering.
Oh well. I will keep an eye on "her" and post new pics if any pointy/curvy feathers show up.
It's too red to be a Blue Wheaten (or Wheaten). It does look similar, though. A cockerel of a true Wheaten or Blue Wheaten would be darker in color when pullets are a lighter straw color. Like this:

Good news is that I think yours is a pullet.

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