pride and joy plant :)

broody rooster

Jul 17, 2015
hey i was curious if i am the only one with a certain plant or tree that i would consider my pride and joy in terms of my garden, if you have a favorite or a few favorites talk about it brag about it like where you got it, how you care for it, why its your favorite? ill go first, for me it would have to be my amaryllis who i got for my grandmother the Christmas she passed away and i have been taking care of it for about 3 almost 4 years now and it finally flowered this year and made a number of seeds.
Well , don't feel alone. I have what I consider a few mementos in my garden and yard. About 25 years ago, my parents (now departed) planted some plum trees and a few currant bushes. Still have the trees as well as a few more that self seeded. Have been sharing the seedlings with other family members as well as a neighbor. The plums are mighty tasty. The blooms are very beautiful in the spring. Only one currant plant is left. I will try to propagate it to get a few more plants. Hope it works out. When I see these plants, I get pleasant memories from the past. I also have an overgrowth of Rose Of Sharon. It all started with just one plant from my mom's neighbor friend about same time. I have shared these seedlings with many.
The Rose of Sharon will grow from seed easily. There are hundreds of seedlings constantly in the lawn adjacent to where they grow. It is all from dropped seeds.

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