Privet Hatchery out of NM

Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X2, TwoCrows has lovely chicks from them, she'll be along to tell you about them. You could also post on the New Mexico state thread, since it is based there other members probably have their chicks also.
The suggested reading page covers a lot of things that are helpful to know in using BYC For poultry info, you might like to check out the BYC Learning Center, lots of good articles on all aspects of chicken keeping you'll find helpful.
I've raised about 200 chicks from them over the years and somewhere around 15 different breeds. Have never bought high production sexlinks or other egg cranking breeds, longtails or bantams. I think they have decent quality for a hatchery. Never had a nasty hen, they are mostly correct in feathering, only had one cross beak, my roosters have been around 3% (industry standard is 10%). they hatch year round unlike most so I like that you can start your chicks Dec-Jan so they are at POL when others are just starting to ship.

What did you get? These are some of mine from last year.
Oh wow ok well that makes me feel a little better about my order! Just worried me since Privet is so far away from me! Are the ones in the last picture silkies? I ordered silkies, amaracunas, buffs, and barred rocks

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, I have used Privett Hatchery for all of my flocks and they have quality stock. All my birds seem to do very well. They have good customer relations as well so if you have a problem, they will work with you. I just got some barred rocks from Privett this spring and they are extremely healthy, active, full of spunk and are growing very quickly. I just love them!

Yes, you are quite the distance away from New Mexico! The post office does the shipping, but as far as a good quality bird, Privett will sell you some very healthy birds. :)

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
She is a blue cochin. Their Ameraucanas are EEs. About 1/2 of mine have been some variation of the brown/red and the other 1/2 have been all over the place colorwise. I have only had one brown egg layer out of manybe 25. All the rest have been green egg layers. I have been very happy with the BR, Nice curious birds, the one that comes to the front of the flock and follows you around. Good consistent layer. Have never had BO or silkies from them.

They are going to be in transit an extra day to get to NC. Have everything set up and ready for them. The brooder needs to be to temp before you leave to pick them up at the PO. You will have pasty butt problems so have some ACV and yogurt on hand. Dip each one's beak in water as you take them out of the box and place them in the brooder. I start with both a chick feeder plus a shallow pie plate with a thin layer of mash on the bottom. Some chicks eat better when they can stand on their food so I give them a choice. Expect to lose 2-3 chicks.

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