Probably Ocular mareks?


8 Years
Jul 7, 2014
This girl is almost 2.5 years old (hatched in March-ish 2019). She’s a CCL, at about 6 months old, she developed a limp (so did her OE sister, but OE got over it, CCL didn’t). It happened right around the time she started laying.
About 9 months ago the whole flock had fowl pox. I have 11 hens total, from a bout a year old to 2.5yo.

I noticed her eye looking weird months ago and have been watching her (it’s been 6-9m but not sure exactly). She’s still eating/drinking/foraging/roosting/etc. she has become more of a loaner, which she’s always been, but it’s gotten worse. She just does her own thing most of the time… sometimes another hen will tag along. I think part of it is that she walks slower and so has a hard time keeping up with the rest.

I’m pretty sure it’s ocular mareks, but posting in the hopes that it could be something else. She’s a good weight, her comb is a bit more orange-y than than it used to be. No signs of mites/lice/any other sickness. As far as I can tell, she can see out of it, but she definitely favors the ‘normal’ eye.

‘Normal’ eye
‘Weird’ eye
That does look to be similar to pictures I have seen of ocular Mareks. Does she seem to have trouble getting around to food and water? Here are some good links to read about Mareks disease:
No, she’s eating and drinking fine. She cruises around the yard… she does walk in circles a bit, but not exclusively.
Well, she’s not roosting. Usually my kids close them up at night, but tonight I did, and she’s on the coop floor. My son said she was down there last night as well.

ive seen her at least attempting to eat, I’ll try and watch her super close tomorrow (I have a 7mo baby, so it’s hard to be out there with them). I know she’s drinking though, and I know at least last week she was eating fine, since I gave her seeds.


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