These should be Banty(maybe) *EDIT* Brahmas and they are between 3-4 Weeks old Although one appears older. Please let me know if you can tell gender and breed if I'm wrong.
Sparkle (top) - Chocolate Chip (bottom)
Sparkle - Chocolate Chip - Lexey (L to R)
Ms. Frizzle (Not a frizzle)
Thanks in advance, I know its fairly early but I wanted to see if theres any signs I am not allowed to have roosters.
* Edited to Brahmas to be more relevant.*
Sparkle (top) - Chocolate Chip (bottom)
Sparkle - Chocolate Chip - Lexey (L to R)
Ms. Frizzle (Not a frizzle)
Thanks in advance, I know its fairly early but I wanted to see if theres any signs I am not allowed to have roosters.
* Edited to Brahmas to be more relevant.*
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