Problem with incubating eggs. Q&A

It's my first incubator hatch... I did sucssefully hatch 2 eggs under a heat lamp after my broody abandoned them to raise her early hatches. The 2 I did were a little over a week younger than the other 2... Then momma hen adopted 4 more babies that I got from the store no problem but wouldn't accept the 2 with diffrent colors... So right now I've got 6 outside roughly a month old and 4 inside in a brooder about a week younger.

Chicken math has attacked lol... The lady whoms eggs I just added says she knows a lady and a guy both looking for pure breed chicks right now as well... Says she will call and see if they still want some. If yes I may have a buyer for a few of my hatchlings if they all make it...

That will make my husband happy. He really didn't want more right now but it's for our daughters summer project.
That's how we got into raising. My son (7 now) is homesschooled and my sister raises chickens. Our first science unit we decided to do oviparous animals and my sister offered her incubator and eggs and she'd take the chicks that hatched. Needless to say, it didn't work that way and now we are raising them and I still have her But it's been an awesome adventure. We have mostly barnyard mixes (and LOVE them.) I did hatch some purebred Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhaubens for the Easter hatch. We have quite a variety though. Last hatch I had two Japanese Bantams so I guess we have a couple different pures.
Sounds great. We have black Austrolops.



The 2 whites are white leghorns that my mom-n-law were given as day olds and she asked me to raise I already had the others.

I started with 10 last spring. 9 hens 1 rooster... Lost 2 to an opossum this spring but gained 2 that momma hatched 4 she adopted from day olds from the store the 2 that my MIL got and then my 2 angles that I hatched under a heat lamp...

I wanted to show my kids what happens if an egg sat under the hen to long so I pulled the remaining 2 that momma abandoned and put under heat. Next thing I knew I had hatchlings inside.

Get day... :love



My daughter decided right then that she wanted to record the WHOLE thing for her summer project so we started again lol...
Sounds great. We have black Austrolops.

The 2 whites are white leghorns that my mom-n-law were given as day olds and she asked me to raise I already had the others.

I started with 10 last spring. 9 hens 1 rooster... Lost 2 to an opossum this spring but gained 2 that momma hatched 4 she adopted from day olds from the store the 2 that my MIL got and then my 2 angles that I hatched under a heat lamp...

I wanted to show my kids what happens if an egg sat under the hen to long so I pulled the remaining 2 that momma abandoned and put under heat. Next thing I knew I had hatchlings inside.

Get day...

My daughter decided right then that she wanted to record the WHOLE thing for her summer project so we started again lol...
I have a black austrolorp that looks like yours (but probably not pure) and omg, in the sun she has this beautiful green sheen that makes her look like she's a green chicken. It's so cool! She's also one of my best egg layers, and the favorite of the boys.

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