I am pretty new to raising chickens. Last year I orderd chicks from the local feed store and For the first time incubated eggs 22 days ago.
We got 21 eggs of wich 19 where fertile. We candled on day 16 and 14 where alive and moving. When hatch day came(yesterday) only 4 hatched. 2 pipped but stoped after that. Does any one know what could have caused this. I have a still air incubator. the teprature was 101 and humidty was about 55% untill day 18 raised to about 70%. We thought we did everything correct but obviosly did not. Any ideas for next time?
We got 21 eggs of wich 19 where fertile. We candled on day 16 and 14 where alive and moving. When hatch day came(yesterday) only 4 hatched. 2 pipped but stoped after that. Does any one know what could have caused this. I have a still air incubator. the teprature was 101 and humidty was about 55% untill day 18 raised to about 70%. We thought we did everything correct but obviosly did not. Any ideas for next time?