Problems With My Sitting Duck


Feb 9, 2015
In a nut shell; one of my rouens started sitting on a ridiculous amount of eggs and then died at about six days in. I put another rouen in the pen and she took over. My daughter took five of the eggs and put under a chicken. At the beginning of the third week, I found a broken egg and embryo in the yard. The next day another. Then nothing. The hen hatched her eggs the 25th and my duck has hatched none. I changed her water for two days so I changed it today and poured out a dead duckling. What is going on with my hen and what should I do now?
Are the ducks and chickens in the same enclosure? The ducklings hatched by the chicken, you didn't leave them with the adult duck right? The duck didn't hatch the eggs so she will not see them as her own and attack them. Keep the ducklings with the chicken not the adult duck, for now. When they get older reintroduce them.
In a nut shell; one of my rouens started sitting on a ridiculous amount of eggs and then died at about six days in. I put another rouen in the pen and she took over. My daughter took five of the eggs and put under a chicken. At the beginning of the third week, I found a broken egg and embryo in the yard. The next day another. Then nothing. The hen hatched her eggs the 25th and my duck has hatched none. I changed her water for two days so I changed it today and poured out a dead duckling. What is going on with my hen and what should I do now?
Some how the duckling got into the water and drowned it happens. very important ducklings cannot climb or get into waterers they can't get out of they are not water proof and can drown pretty quick. Very sorry for your loss. Your chicken will see the ducklings as her own.

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