Processed my first Bird today - Cornish X, aged 23 weeks, 5 days [No Pictures - Safe for the Squeemish]

23 weeks is old for a cornish X - I'm amazed it lasted that long with no health issues (like keeling over from a heart attack or leg issues) I wonder if free ranging helped it some - more exercise and less concentrated feed (due to eating grass/weeds, etc.)

He was a very big boy. Lots of chicken dinners!

I suspect (though I have no empirical data) that that is truly old for a Cornish X. They say 8 mos. is about the limit for heritage roosters - after which they start to get tough (that, I can say, I have anecdotal data that backs it up.) Since Cornish rocks mature quicker than standard breeds, I suspect that that tipping point of tender vs. tough is a bit sooner, and you were probably at that threshold.

Glad you are enjoying him.

I still get funky when it is processing time. Even with mean roosters that I would say I couldn't wait for them to hit the frypan...I feel terrible when I process them...but thankful for the delicious meal they are providing. It is a very unnerving experience for me, feeling blessed, cruel, sad, proud, and thankful - all at the same time.
I got into Thai chicken soup, the clear type and cream type with coconut milk. I tried some recipes I saw on YouTube and got hooked. I highly recommend trying it, I like it better than French style soups.

I bought a sharpening stone off Amazon with coarse 500 on one side and fine 1000 grit on the other. I sharpened my 4 inch wide cleaver and split a whole chicken breast bone straight down the middle and turned it over and cut straight through the middle bone and tail, so half a chicken has half a tail. A sharp cleaver makes a big can slice a whole chicken perfectly in half.
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