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The only things I buried this time are the heads, feet, and feathers. Oh and tossed the gall bladders and gizzard lining.

I know the feet can be used for stock, I tried that once and didn't notice any difference in the stock w/ or w/o feet so I just don't do that but it was pretty easy, skinning them.

I cut the stuff up so everyone could have a good share, and some of the bigger stuff like gizzard really needed to be cut. I did the intestines at the sink, I would cut off a nice big section and just express it's contents down the sink w/ my thumb and forefinger pinched across it and gently pull down to express it all. I don't know if it is ness. but I felt better about it. It does smell, but I work in the medical field so smells aren't that big a thing for me and didn't smell as bad as the fecal matter I deal w/ at work. I cleaned the inside contents of the gizzard just b/c I didn't want to dull my knife.

It didn't take that much time and they really loved it. It is something I will continue to do.

Kass I can't imagine the smells you must experience. I would throw up no doubt. I found the CX feces smell so much worse than dual purpose birds when processed.

I wonder if I held withheld food for a little longer if it would help. Their bowels were full.
Kass I can't imagine the smells you must experience. I would throw up no doubt. I found the CX feces smell so much worse than dual purpose birds when processed.

I wonder if I held withheld food for a little longer if it would help. Their bowels were full.

Some are truly beyond description that is for sure!!!!!
What's Better : what do you use : going to demise xtra Cockerels : what is best bird Size ? How cut off head ? to cone then Bleed out ? to use the Broom Method :? First times the Hardest. . . I keep telling myself..... NEVER having done any, we need to go back to basics. Something as Painless for Bird as Possible, if my grandparents could and survived with a Family Farm then made it through the Depression of Dust Bowl. I can.

How Long to wait to cull after antibiotics treatment. . .for eggs directions say wate 7 days.
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What's Better : what do you use : going to demise xtra Cockerels : what is best bird Size ? How cut off head ? to cone then Bleed out ? to use the Broom Method :? First times the Hardest. . . I keep telling myself..... NEVER having done any, we need to go back to basics. Something as Painless for Bird as Possible, if my grandparents could and survived with a Family Farm then made it through the Depression of Dust Bowl. I can.

How Long to wait to cull after antibiotics treatment. . .for eggs directions say wate 7 days.
The withdraw time depends on the antibiotic. Check by searching on BYC or send a pm to dawg53.

Snapping the neck or bleed out the artery at the neck. Some use a pellet gun shot at the back of the neck.
What's Better : what do you use : going to demise xtra Cockerels : what is best bird Size ? How cut off head ? to cone then Bleed out ? to use the Broom Method :? First times the Hardest. . . I keep telling myself..... NEVER having done any, we need to go back to basics. Something as Painless for Bird as Possible, if my grandparents could and survived with a Family Farm then made it through the Depression of Dust Bowl. I can.

How Long to wait to cull after antibiotics treatment. . .for eggs directions say wate 7 days.

I bleed out.

Anyone have any knife suggestions? I was watching a video from Polyface Farms and really like the look of the knives they use. I need something like this.

I just use our old Rada stainless steel kitchen knives. For many birds they have to be sharpened a few times in between, but they serve the purpose well and I don't have to struggle with poor cuts...and I don't have to buy any special knives. That's the best part!

They last forever and they are reasonably priced...and they even make hunting/fishing knives for tough stuff:

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