Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

Okay, stupid question coming........

My Cornish X's are coming at the end of the month. I have a small coop with an attached run that I'm going to try to brood them in. This popped into my mind yesterday - will they go inside the coop at night like a normal chicken? (my turkeys never did, which is why they didn't last long here)
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Okay, stupid question coming........

My Cornish X's are coming at the end of the month. I have a small coop with an attached run that I'm going to try to brood them in. This popped into my mind yesterday - will they go inside the coop at night like a normal chicken? (my turkeys never did, which is why they didn't last long here)

As babies you will probably have to run them in at least a few times... ours did a gently sloped ramp without problem, but it took a bit of 'education' before they got the hint. They definitely do roam in and out through the day. Keep the food and water outside on opposite ends of the run or they may never leave the coop, though!
Okay, stupid question coming........

My Cornish X's are coming at the end of the month. I have a small coop with an attached run that I'm going to try to brood them in. This popped into my mind yesterday - will they go inside the coop at night like a normal chicken? (my turkeys never did, which is why they didn't last long here)

Just to add... ours never tried to roost, they were always happy with a pile of hay on the floor in the coop (shavings for the first 10 days or so that they were in the brooder in the house)
No worries on the roost, that coop I use for brooding chicks, so it doesn't have a roost. Good to know they will figure out the ramp with practice. It is a gently sloped ramp. Good to know about the feed and water.
Okay, stupid question coming........

My Cornish X's are coming at the end of the month. I have a small coop with an attached run that I'm going to try to brood them in. This popped into my mind yesterday - will they go inside the coop at night like a normal chicken? (my turkeys never did, which is why they didn't last long here)

My free ranged until dark and some would keep eating so long they'd lose the light and have to bed down in little clumps on the way to the coop or just outside the coop, but most made it to the coop. I fed once a day in the evening, so this sort of pulled them closer to the coop near dusk and kept them handy.

Mine loved to roost! I made them special, wide hammock type roosts and even hay bales on which they would roost and some would even fly up to the top of the water bucket about 3 ft. off the ground and roost there all night.

That's good to know beekissed! Ours never tried to get up the ramps onto the roost board (which is actually 10" wide) they were always happy in the hay I guess. There were a few times they would hop up on the bales of hay during the day, but usually didn't stay there.
I will be processing my own suckling pig for easter dinner,,,any suggestions on how to make hair removal easier,,,,,all I have to use is an old pair of shears I had for the dog.....and also any suggestions in general,,,,will not be the first time eating this, but it is the first time I will be cooking it.

Sorry, I know it is not chicken related, but it is processing related.

need to clarify here, this will be a small pig no larger than 20 pounds, it needs to fit in my oven, I may be able to go to 25 pounds, the farm the pig is coming from asked for my oven size instead of what weight i wanted.
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