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My muscovy were about 10 weeks. Plenty big enough and breast meat was surprizingly meaty. Better than any chicken I have raised so far except for the cornish crosses. THese were flying for the last week or so. I was worried that the flying would toughen up the meat, so I kept to the original plan of 8-10 weeks old.

And of course 2 muscovy hens just showed up with 5 and 6 ducklings each!! Dang I was done processing ducks for the year!!! In 8 weeks these will join the birds in the freezer.

All my muscovy are skittish and I raised every one from a week old. THey are not as domesticated IMO as perhaps other fowl. I do like that once they know "home" the mother hens return with the ducklings every night for lock up.

Had a leg for lunch.
To me duck is different than beef . . . . and I love both!
My muscovy were about 10 weeks. Plenty big enough and breast meat was surprizingly meaty. Better than any chicken I have raised so far except for the cornish crosses. THese were flying for the last week or so. I was worried that the flying would toughen up the meat, so I kept to the original plan of 8-10 weeks old.

And of course 2 muscovy hens just showed up with 5 and 6 ducklings each!! Dang I was done processing ducks for the year!!! In 8 weeks these will join the birds in the freezer.

All my muscovy are skittish and I raised every one from a week old. THey are not as domesticated IMO as perhaps other fowl. I do like that once they know "home" the mother hens return with the ducklings every night for lock up.

Had a leg for lunch.
To me duck is different than beef . . . . and I love both!

I can't even get near mine

I touched them the day I got them and that was it. No wait, I touched one briefly two days ago when she was freaking out trying to go THROUGH the fence.

Guess it makes sense for them to have a negative point, because there's just so many positives about them.

I need to figure out who's male, who's female... hate to eat the only female on accident
I've got 4.... I hope to keep a few female and buy a male from different bloodlines..
Quote: If I might suggest . . . . keep all four. Use all for breeding to get some variety in the genetics, until you can get more. I have not had any problems doing this. All my stock comes from just one source and I have had to work around this too. I started with 1 male and 2 females and have worked up to 3 males and 9 females to winter over.
If I might suggest . . . . keep all four. Use all for breeding to get some variety in the genetics, until you can get more. I have not had any problems doing this. All my stock comes from just one source and I have had to work around this too. I started with 1 male and 2 females and have worked up to 3 males and 9 females to winter over.

I gotta eat one, because I've never had muscovy. Don't want to find out I don't like it (doubt that!) or find some other reason why they may not work for us (TOO hard to pluck?)
My kids could not wait for ours to grow up so we bought a duck at the grocery.

As for plucking, the fine down feathers are a challenge. I hand pluck, no device or machine to assist so I depend on very hot water and my fingers.

THe boys grow much bigger than the girls.

I hand pluck my chickens too.

I suspect the one in focus to be a male, with the others being female.

He just was just growing his wings in when I got them at 8 weeks old.
THey are pretty.

Part of the reason I did not eat any of the first 3 birds I purchased was because my kids made them into pets. We dont eat our pets. I really suggest that you keep all these as breeder birds, then hatch out the first eggs next spring and grow them up for 8 weeks and test those. It took me a few tries to get my cleaning techniques down pat so I has happy with the speed and the out come. THe first few were a challenge and I had to learn what worked for me. A lot of crew ups. One bird was not enough to learn how to do this. OTherwise I already knew I loved duck!!

After the trio, a year or two later I bought a couple more ducklings and kept one female and one male from the group From this years babies I have kept one that is a favorite but it is likely a male, darn it. I have 11 more ducklings growing out now, which I could keep one or two but I'm trying not to. Trying . . . .lol I"m such a sucker for cuteness . . .
I cooked up a rooster today. I slow cooked it all day in buffalo hot sauce. Tonight I shredded the chicken up and made homemade buffalo chicken pizza. Mmmmmmm it was soooooo yummy!!!

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