Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

This years processing-finished!!
5 cockerels...3 Barred Rocks and 2 Game/Plymouth Rock mixes. We started at 11am this morning, worked through the day..finished up at 330. That includes set up, processing, and clean up. DH helping me this year was wonderful
We just got back from the chicken swap with this gigantic rooster
and 2 very large muscovy drakes that we're sending to freezer camp tonight.

14 roosters are slated for caponizing tomorrow afternoon, tonight they will be with held from food and water. I'm extremely nervous. We have stopped food on the giant rooster. Any other advice?
14 roosters are slated for caponizing tomorrow afternoon, tonight they will be with held from food and water. I'm extremely nervous. We have stopped food on the giant rooster. Any other advice?
My understanding is that older birds are not candidates for this procedure, and only should be done on young cockerels. My avian vet is dead-set against it for animal welfare reasons (his words would have me censored on this thread) and for the fact testicles will usually grow back. Rethink what you are actually planning to do to these birds.
I have found someone who will help me with slaughtering my chickens. I would so love to not ever have to kill a chicken again! He's very experienced and helps kids out by processing their birds. I have not raised strictly meat birds before because I know I would not be able to just slaughter a bunch of birds on a time table. Excess cockerels from a straight-run order or hatch is one thing, but slaughtering little meat pullets is quite another.

If I get someone to help me (basically out of the goodness of his heart because I have talked to him about HATING to kill anything), what would be a fair trade in birds? I'll help with the processing and just won't have to do any of killing. I was thinking of raising the birds and then sharing some with him.

Also, what breed would make a good meat bird and also a good egg layer? I currently have Ameraucanas and don't consider them good meat birds because they take so long to grow up. I was hoping to find a good meat bird that would also have egg laying qualities so the pullets could be spared.

Thanks for any advice.
I'm caponizing young roosters that are 3.5 months old, the big giant roo is dead already, the crowing contest he set off was nerve grating. Peace has been restored.

All roos and ducks are being with held from food atm but have water.

16 out of 20 pullets gone for roosters and muscovy ducks to fill my freezer for the winter. We picked up our hog from the processor today


the water is heating up now. We're learning how to do this with everyone's help on this thread. I had to get unfamiliar chickens I didn't raise from chicks to do this, I love my chickens too much! I sold 16 pullets today b/c they will be excellent layers for someone, I have my egg layers. We're filling up our freezer now for winter.
We're not caponizing the ducks, they are mostly headed to freezer camp except the girls and 1 drake.

One big mean rooster in the fridge resting, he came out to 7.3 lbs dressed

he's in the fridge resting until Wednesday, when he will begin to become coq au vin. Yum!

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