Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

We're not caponizing the ducks, they are mostly headed to freezer camp except the girls and 1 drake.

One big mean rooster in the fridge resting, he came out to 7.3 lbs dressed

he's in the fridge resting until Wednesday, when he will begin to become coq au vin. Yum!
That is one big bird. Enjoy him. Keep us up to date on your caponizing skills. I did a botched first try on a dead cockerel. Learned I don't want to try on live ones yet.
This years processing-finished!!
5 cockerels...3 Barred Rocks and 2 Game/Plymouth Rock mixes. We started at 11am this morning, worked through the day..finished up at 330. That includes set up, processing, and clean up. DH helping me this year was wonderful

Good Job!

I am setting the alarm for 5am tomorrow and will be processing three. I will have some for to do later though.
Another byc member dretd who is a vet that does decrowing surgery is coming by to look at the caponizing equipment tools and to offer a helping hand/calm demeanor as well as experience operating on chickens. Male chickens to be exact. I anticipate deaths and further processing of more roosters tomorrow, but now we are calmer and in a better frame of mind having at least processed a chicken now.

The new young roos are first, the ones I have been raising since they were day/s old are last, ranging from loudest to the not crowing yet.

Hopefully we can sex the muscovies tomorrow so I can decide which male to keep for breeding, atm I had picked out a nice silver/white male, but now I have a dark chocolate and a silver chocolate and I know my females are black and black pied. Agh chicken math strikes again.

She was laying internally, not egg bound. I looked at your poop pictures. Those yellow urates (the white part) are indicative of liver problems (and a few other things). I had a favorite hen get into a similar situation and I waited too long as well. You never know it is "too long" until after the fact. Don't beat yourself up that you didn't cull earlier. She got sick--we don't immediately euthanize people (yet!) on the speculation that they might not get better and they are feeling sick.
Here's a link to lash eggs. In the article you will see a response from a vet. Assuming the vet knows what he is talking about, there might have been hope for your hen. Don't be too hard on yourself for grasping at straws trying to save a favorite hen.
She was laying internally, not egg bound. I looked at your poop pictures. Those yellow urates (the white part) are indicative of liver problems (and a few other things). I had a favorite hen get into a similar situation and I waited too long as well. You never know it is "too long" until after the fact. Don't beat yourself up that you didn't cull earlier. She got sick--we don't immediately euthanize people (yet!) on the speculation that they might not get better and they are feeling sick.

Yeah someone corrected me on that. I was under the assumption it was the same thing. Not so, apparently.

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