Project criticism - what do you think a project is?

I think the most important part of any new project is to have an APA standard of perfection to use as a guide, and to use the very best examples of the breeds needed for the project that you can get your hands on. Projects are wonderful. I think it's good to ask questions of people working on projects to be able to learn from them.
Haha they all come from red and grey junglefowl anyway and all are Gallus Gallus. I'm reading what you guys put out about genetics and may try a project later when I am sufficiently schooled. I was reading where some of the types of Belgian bantams had vanished and are being recreated with projects.

To me it would seem it would be a good thing anyway to recreate a "breed" to add more genetics into the pool. I was reading a magazine article where Turkey farms were having problems with a certain amount of sterility because the genes were running thin and were considering adding some Wild Turkey stock back in to have more genes in the pool.

Miss Prissy I like your roo and the color is beautiful. I know of the red mud from hence you speak as new school clothes were many times the victim of this dirt despite mom's yelling.

Please post your projects I want to learn.
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MP - Big Red certainly is a one of a kind. He is magnificent and a sight to behold! I have seen a lot of blue X buff orps and none have come close to him. Whatever happened in your cross was a very cool thing.
Ty, Lisa.

Ty, Jody.


Ty, KFC.

Big Red, too.

That is why I am spreading around some eggs. If something happened to my flock I would have to call in some favors and ask for some of his kids eggs back. Seriously.
I know that the Citron carries the recessive ig ig gene which dilutes the gold, but trying to find a breed here that does without complicating the pattern is giving me a migraine.

Here's some examples of the colour i'm aiming for. I love the contrast between the cream, and greenish black:





The Mille Fleurs are Dutch. The Cream Buttercup is a cull Buttercup, with a lighter ground colour and single comb.

In terms of Orpingtons to cross with, I have black, buff, white, BBS, and lavender (if all goes to plan on the 19th!). My plan for the first step is to cross either:

Mille Fleur x Cream Buttercup
Mille Fleur x Black
Buttercup x Black
Cara, those are beauties!
My understanding is the ig gene is hard to come by in the US. There are some with it, but if I recall it was in bantam varieties. I remember mention of a person in MI and another in OH that had flocks with it. I've also heard it could potentially be in the pyncheon, but haven't seen it in our flocks yet. Might be worth further research. I don't know anything about buttercups to say if they have it or not.
I don't understand why anyone would offer anything other than encouragement or suggestions in regards to any breeder's project.

Went to your site, Jody and looked at the Lavender Orpington photos. They're beautiful!

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