Project criticism - what do you think a project is?

I can believe people criticize... after all there is ALWAYS a critic!
However, I think scrutiny comes with any good invention or advancement.

I'm not afraid... GOLD LACE ORPINGTONS... that's what I'm after. Of course I'm just starting out so it'll be years before I get anywhere but I'm going about it 3 ways to start this year.

GLW Roo X Buff hens
GLW Roo X Black Hens
Buff Roo X GLW hens

I couldn't get my hands on any barnevelders to do this with so I went with the wyandottes. I know a few of you are working on the same thing and have a big head start. I hope that someone can make it happen.. they are lovely!

A project.. is something you work on. The more professional you are about it, the more likely you are to succeed.
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That is awesome Dawn! I wish you lots of luck with the gold laced orps. They are beautiful and something I'd love to see in the US.
wow I read this whole tread last night while stuck in traffic for 2 hours (no I was not the one driving) But I am suprised at the reactions you get. I dont understand why anyone would care if you had projects and more importantly why they would critisize you for it. I think that what you are doing is very interesting and although it is way to complicated for me to wrap my head around I enjoy seeing and reading about what you have done. I thought that chicken folk would be more relaxed and light hearted but am finding out that is not always the case. Good luck on all your breeding adventures!
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I agree with you, it takes years to iron out all the fine details.
Good luck with your project it sounds interesting!
Personally, I feel work on any breed continues over the lifetime. All projects do not take many years to breed true to the standard. It depends on the project, color, what you start with, etc. Some color varieties are harder to achieve and then take many generations to get the type right. You can achieve color in as little as 2 generations, which can easily be accomplished in a single year if you're persistent. If you hatch enough, you can select for type as you're developing the color, to turn the project around quickly. Not everyone has the ability or space to reproduce generations in that manner, but it certainly is possible to achieve results quickly when the factors are right. What is so fun about projects is that they are a work in progress, as most breeds are.
I wish I could achieve two generations in a single year, that would be awesome. I find the better the bird the longer they take to lay. I'm going to have to go out and chat with my bunch of freeloaders.
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I don't know any chickens that take over a year to start laying. Those are freeloaders if they take that long.

If you start with an adult breeding pair and hatch from them, those are your 1st generation offspring.

Those F1s should easily be laying within 8-9 months and you can hatch your 2nd generation offspring.

I think some of the prettiest birds have come from unintentional crosses.
And intentional. I am one who enjoys reading about the projects. I took genetics as a course in college, and it's fascinating once you can wrap your brain around it. I'm a visual person, so being able to actually see the outcome of a cross is priceless for me. I've hatched some crosses that had me going
... but that's part of the fun. To me, anything that breeds true is considered "pure". Whether it has an official name or not.
Jody, I hope you and the others will continue to share your projects and experiences, despite the negativity and criticism... some will never understand.
I do have a question though, and maybe it should go in it's own thread. If I could accomplish color in as little as one year, I wouldn't know the type until the second year right, because I'd have to let the first chicks of the color grow out, and then assess them? Is that right or am I off base. I have an idea in my head if I can find the color I want, which I don't know if I can.

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