Project criticism - what do you think a project is?

With some varieties it is easy to get the new color in one generation. Type can also be done in one or two generations depending on how close the breeds already are.

Lets use crele for an example for color. For the breed we can use welsummers. You would first start with a barred rock cock and welsummer hens. You would cross them and get crele colored birds and depending on the type of the birds you start with the type would be set too. So for that example you could get color and type in the first cross.

Other things can be really easy like getting a new color in a breed by using two seperate colors in that breed. Like blue cuckoo in cochins. You would cross a barred/cuckoo cock to splash hens and get all blue cuckoo chicks and you wouldnt have to worry about the type because you didnt cross breed, just cross color.
Nice edit! whats considered a better bird??

If you give them supplemental light they may lay faster for you, in some of our project birds we provide extra light(up to a full 14 hours of lighting and no more for us) to get the egg laying up to par...

Not sure what you mean by a better bird?? Maybe they are taking to long and or not very good egg layer types?? what types you are referring to is unknown..

Two types of Criticism:

Destructive criticism:

Destructive criticism is intended to harm someone, derogate and destroy someone’s creation, prestige, reputation and self-esteem on whatever level it might be. This may be done intentionally or out of sheer ignorance and foolishness. Hence the word destructive is used. In practical life destructive criticism may be disguised as constructive. Often destructive criticism comes from persons who are envious, cruel and those who judge in fields which are not their own.

Constructive criticism:

Constructive criticism, or constructive analysis, is a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism. Having higher experience, gifts, respect, knowledge in specific field and being able to verbally convince at the same time, this person is intending to uplift the other person materially, morally, emotionally or spiritually.

I've found out first hand that Destructive criticism to be saddening and true when it comes to Chicken Lavender Projects!!! On my way to a great looking Lavender Orpingtons thanks to Jody and Charlies williness to share. Always been stated Project Birds.
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Denigrating the very idea of having projects is destructive; as is denigrating a person's reputation because he or she "doesn't breed to the standard" regardless of whether they also have recognised breeds and varieties on which they also work.

I honestly don't think it is a jealousy/envy thing, at least not in the cases I've personally encountered--I think it is more of a control issue: "if you don't do it the way I think is correct, then you're wrong." I guess that while I find it outrageous that someone would presume to tell me what I can or can't do with breeding my birds, it is really a sad commentary on thier own insecurities.
I would like to develope a barred EE or ameraucana breed. or is there already one? and if it is a EE would they even think about classifying it as purebred? not even if i had lines and lines, generations and generations of the same bird and they all do the same thing if bred together?
if i took a black sex link roo (which i know the females are differnt colors which is why i am asking this question) to a EE red laced hen would the chicks most likely be barred? even if they are females? and would they still have the qualities of a EE like a beard?
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PM me, I can direct you to some conversations on that subject.
I really enjoy reading about the projects all of you are working on. Please don't stop "showing" your projects because some people just don't get it.

I love seeing what you are doing!!


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