Project criticism - what do you think a project is?

As many of you here know, I'm working in my very very small way on the mille fleur bantam cochin project.

I think there are several important considerations to keep in mind when sharing your projects. For instance:

1. It doesn't matter whether other people like your project. YOU are the only one who needs to like it.
2. If you discuss your project, people WILL criticize it. Some criticism will be constructive, some will not. Develop a thick skin, and try to learn from the constructive type. Then refer back to #1.
3. Different people have different priorities. Some people highly value the sanctity of the pure breed. I do myself, when it comes to dogs. I HATE it when people breed "labradoodles" or "schnoodles" or other atrocities. To me, chickens are different....but to others, breed preservation is very important. Respect their perspectives, then refer back to #1.
4. Some people who work on "projects" act as though their "project" birds are already the perfect finished, purebred product. For instance, I have birds which came from a well-known breeder of a breed I won't mention. They were sold to me as valuable birds in a rare new color for the breed. And they ARE a gorgeous color -- but they have the wrong comb, the wrong body type, AND the wrong leg color for that breed. (No, these aren't the cochins!) These are obvious crossbred project birds, and they should have been sold as such. IOW, it is natural for folks to be suspicious of crossbreeding projects, because breeders are often less than honest about them.
5. There are no regulated, standardized pedigrees for chickens, so people are always suspicious of "mutt" birds. There's no way to prove whether a bird is truly pure or not. So, just as we often see with the Ameraucana folks, it's easy to get touchy around breeding projects that bring in new colors or new breeds.

Anyway, I'm starting to ramble now. When in doubt, refer back to #1. There are good reasons why some folks don't appreciate breeding projects like these, but you don't NEED those folks to appreciate you. Just smile, thank them for their input, and go on your merry way.
Sandy -
I bet your lavender babies are growing fast. I wish you much success in your projects too!

Buster - I love your barred orp project and can't wait to see more results. It looks like you have an excellent start, which is very exciting.

Sonoran silkies - I couldn't agree with you more.

Bri - I believe the rule is if it breeds true a certain % of the time and has the standard type for the breed, it is considered pure. Although to get it entered into the SOP, would take much more work. Good luck with your project!

Michelle - I am hoping by having this open and honest discussion about projects, folks will realize what they are and the scrutiny will stop and people will feel more comfortable talking about their projects. I know there are lots of great ones happening and I'd love to hear more about them as well.

amazondoc - your comments make a lot of sense if it was just about the passion for pure breeds I could respect that. And I can even take the most critical of criticism - no one is more critical about my birds than I me on that. I cull hard and am a tough critic of my own breeding flocks. The criticism I have been put under was much harsher than that and has no place in the world of poultry husbandry. People have been nice to my face and take advantage of my generosity and even have the nerve to participate in my posts and then go behind my back and make up lies about my birds and my breeding programs, so that those lies have to be forwarded to me in emails from respectable people. These people know nothing about my birds, but make claim about them which are false. That is taking it too far and it is time for me to speak up to defend my name and my reputation. I have asked these very people to leave me alone and they still follow me around and leave underhanded comments that no one else would understand but me. I respect pure breeds as much as anyone and have worked for years on my pure breed birds to earn the respect of many. I don't appreciate the disrespect some of these amateurs seem to be bringing to the realm of breeding. I realize everyone has to learn at some point and there is nothing wrong with amateur breeders, but that is not what these folks are about at all..they have an agenda.
PM me, I can direct you to some conversations on that subject.

thanks! that does help me a bit


The short and not so sweet of it is this. Barring lightens the leg color and the Ameraucana Club has ADAMANTLY declared that they do not want light legged chickens in their club, regardless of the reason. They do NOT want barred Ameraucanas and will shoot your idea out of the sky the second you bring it up. I have a barred, bearded pea combed hen that lays a light olive egg and have decided to go the far extreme other direction wth her as far as egg color, toward olive and away from blue, to differentiate her from that club, and because I like the eggs. I am crossing her on a blue cukoo marans roo right now and have given all the eggs to people that wanted them instead of hatching them myself! After the next batch goes out on Tuesday, I will be sure to set some of my own and I can't WAIT to see what they lay!
That is very odd hinkjc, any idea why attacking your project is on their agenda? I tend to only share my whole project with other breeders who can appreciate, critique in a useful way and otherwise be a good sounding board letting me know what kinds of responses I may have to overcome if I want to get the project off my yard and into the hands of more breeders. Someday your birds will speak for themselves hinkjc, and all that culling and selecting will pay off when the APA adds lavender to the accepted color list and you can go down in history as the creater
The idea, that what I think is right is acceptable but what you think is an abomination, is crazy...I would never breed my german short hair pointers, Quarter horses,or netherland dwarf rabbits to anything but pure breeds...BUT I have no problem trying to hybridize my boer/alpine goats,california rabbits,or any color pattern leghorn/RiR....Does that make my beliefs right or wrong?
Well not in my eyes..and I'm the only one that counts:lol:....imo
"...Barring lightens the leg color and the Ameraucana Club has ADAMANTLY declared that they do not want light legged chickens in their club, regardless of the reason. They do NOT want barred Ameraucanas and will shoot your idea out of the sky the second you bring it up..."

They are coming --- like it or not. I don't have to ask for permission or blessings, hahaha.



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