Project Lav & Split Black Orps I hatched


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
The sun is too bright for good photos right now.


Out of 14 eggs I had 11 hatch - 3 lavs and 8 blacks.

Of the lavs all 3 I am very sure are cockerals. The black I believe I have 5 of those that are pullets.

I will be keeping 2 lav cockerals and the pullets.

If anyone interested in the one lav cockerals or a black they are available for pick-up only.

These are very pretty chicks.

Thank you, Jody!! I love them!
I am north of Charlottesville, west of Fredericksburg and east of Culpeper.

I will be meeting tuffoldhen soon to trade some hens but we haven't set a date or an exact location but that is over the mountains between she and I.

Roanoke is nearly 3 hours from me.
It is a chick that looks black but carries the lavender gene. Select breeding with another split black and you should be able to hatch some lav chicks from them. About 50/50.
It is crazy, Joe. Half will have the lav gene - some you will see (lavs) some you won't (splt blacks). The other half you will see black but some of those will have the gene and hiding it.

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