prolapse in new baby???


10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Hi I'm new here & pretty new to this whole chicken thing too. We inherited a coop & 2 adult hens a couple months ago & just got 2 day old chicks this past thursday. One of the 2 is red & swollen around it's vent. My dad who is a retired veterinarian thought it looked like a prolapsed cloaca but I can't find any info anywhere online about baby chicks getting prolapsed. Is it possible? Or is there anything else that this could be? She is acting fine but doesn't seem to be growing at the same rate as the other chick.

TIA for any info or ideas!

If your dad is a retired vet, he'll probably have better knowledge than any of the rest of us. He can probably advise you on how to correct it too. In the meantime, if it is a prolapse you want to keep it as clean and moistened as possible.
Well, my dad was a cat & dog vet... doesn't have much experience with chickens!
He was putting neosporin on it periodically while he was here. Then I put a little honey on it a little while ago.

I don't know what "vent sexed" means. They told me at the feed store that they aren't sexed but that there is a 95% chance of them being hens. They are gold-laced wyandottes. My refering to them as "she" is just wishful thinking at this point!

Thank you for the replies. I will keep treating it like prolapse for now.

Will a chick with this problem so young even have a chance of surviving? Could it be the reason for her not growing like the other one is?
I would say your doing the right thing
you can put prepation H on it also
just keep it moist
they probably did vent sex them
by this they turn the chick up so the vent is isable to the man's eye and male vents look one way
and female vents look the other way
probably was some one who was learning and they suspect the chick was damaged
if they pushed too hard it would bring every thing out
and probably is a female
you can go to
put in
vent sexing chicken in and read
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