Prolapsed Vent Questions


10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
New Caney, Texas
Hey y'all! When locking up last night I noticed one of my gals had blood and poo on her heinie. After examining her I saw she had prolapse. I brought her in and tucked her in for the night. This morning I washed the area, trimmed nearby feathers and applied honey. Like magic it went back in! I was amazed! I have given her a warm mash with a crushed tum sand water with vitamins and electrolytes. Is there anything else I need to do for her? Now that this has happened will it be an ongoing thing?

I'm fighting the same problem with one of my layers. I've done the same thing as you except for prep-h insted of honey. As for my hen , so far so good. Its been three days now and I think I may put her back with the others. The info on this site has been very helpful to me. Most of the time I just read what others have done and what results they have. Good luck with your situation

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