Proper dose of b-complex vitamins for duckling with leg issue?? Please help!!


8 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Hi all! I have a 6-day old Cayuga duckling who was an assisted hatch (hatched from wrong end of egg and was stuck, unable to turn and zip at all). Since hatching one of her legs has been turning out to the side a bit. I taped the legs in a hobble for the past 5 days and the situation has improved a bit, but she's still holding that leg in an odd way when standing (she walk/runs well now though).

I know niacin helps with leg issues, but the only way I can get it here in Sweden (without a doctor's prescription) is in a b-complex vitamin. We cannot get just straight niacin here. Is b-complex ok to use (it has 60 mg of niacin in each tablet). If it's ok to use, how much do I give her? Please, I'd like to get this into her as soon as possible. It was difficult for me to just get this b-complex out here and I don't want to wait any longer to get the niacin working. Can you overdose them on b-complex vitamins??

Thanks for any help! :)

Edit: I've been reading all the threads I can on this here and I've seen that they should get 100-150 mg niacin per gallon of water? Does that mean I should crush two tablets and mix into a gallon of water to get the proper dose (since these tablets have only 60mg niacin in them)? Is that ok, or would that be too much of the other b-vitamins in these tablets?
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I think that using the niacin and the guide, the other B vitamins will be in proper proportion. So, yes, two of those pills, that will be 120 mg B3 (niacin) per gallon.

(I try to keep up with the forums but life as been particularly busy of late).
Ok, thanks so much Amiga! :) Can I store this water and use it for days or do the vitamins break down after awhile? @Amiga

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