Pros and cons of chain link panels for run?

Good luck with cl everyone I want them can't find them but always see them when I am just browsing the ads
Hi, you definitely want to put hardware cloth or some other fencing that has smaller holes around the chain link. I was researching guinea hens and the author had 6 of her guinea hens killed by raccoons reaching through the fence (at the time she used chicken wire for her fence) and actually pulled the heads off her birds. I've been so paranoid about my chicks that I've actually double layered my run fencing.
Hi, you definitely want to put hardware cloth or some other fencing that has smaller holes around the chain link.  I was researching guinea hens and the author had 6 of her guinea hens killed by raccoons reaching through the fence (at the time she used chicken wire for her fence) and actually pulled the heads off her birds.  I've been so paranoid about my chicks that I've actually double layered my run fencing.

Something similar happened to my parents, they had 100 chicks in a raised brooder (like a big rectangle wire cage raised up on 4 legs), and in the morning most were dead from raccoons pulling their feet through the screen! It was terrible!! We have all the usual predators around here, hawks, foxes, coons, possums, and in the last few years we've even seen glimpses of bobcats. Since I got this batch of chicks I've been leaving our big dog (9 yr old doberman) with them. She might end up being my best first line of defense! I figure she protects our cats and us, why not the chickens? Right now she just lays down next to them completely uninterested, but she's already making her rounds around the coop and chasing things off at night. I'll have to post a picture when the run is finally attached to the coop to see if anyone notices something we don't or has any more suggestions.
We found a chain link 10x10 kennel on craigs list and set it up this past week. Over the top we attached metal pipe (electrical conduit? I think it's called) with fittings onto the kennel pipe and ran chicken wire the opposite direction over the pipe. Then, I wired all the seams. It's turned out pretty good! And looks nice, too. I'd like to see the hawk that can through there now! :) (I probably just jinxed myself..)

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