Pros and cons of chain link panels for run?


7 Years
Apr 14, 2013
We've just finished our new coop (just in time to finish brooding 12 day old chicks in), and starting on the run. We were planning on building a run using 4x4 posts, and fencing for top and sides. Now, we've got the idea of using chain link panels instead (like a dog kennel). Not having the cost of treated lumber would be nice. A 10x10 kennel is 199 at Rural King, plus an extra 2 sections to make it 20x10.... Any cons to using chain link? I know it would be easier to build, and my husband has put so much work into the coop already... Any input appreciated :)
the panels would be 6 foot high, so high enough. We learned our lesson with our last run, used chicken wire over the top of a 5 foot fence which started sagging after awhile. Bad! I think the main thing I worry about is fixing the corners and around the gate to make it critter proof. Also, the work involved with building a pen with fencing and treated lumber, at least the way he would do it, would be a LOT.. I think he was planning on 6 posts, and treated boards top and bottom of fence to frame it, plus across top to run fencing to. He's a major perfectionist, but fencing is not his thing (shhh). So it'll be a pain in the butt for him, leading to the possibility of chicken resentment.
My husband went above and beyond on the coop...I'm not complaining, it's really nice! But he enjoyed that...fencing, not so much. If I can find a coupon for the kennel at tsc or rural king, I may just go that route just to save some work.

I just want it to be predator proof, and not end up losing everything to foxes and raccoons again.
HI, I have used the 6 ft dog kennels that there is no matinance. (sp)
I had a skunk dig under one time.............I purchased all of mine from craigs list and got really good prices.......
Over head could be a problem for hawks ect..........I have not had any enter>>>>but have read some folks put netting over the top.
I'm using a large dog kennel like that and it's been great. It wasn't in perfect condition, 2 sides are chain link that needed to be patched and 2 sides are cattle panel so we did add 1" chicken wire to those sides. Right now it's location is just temporary so it's sitting in my yard with tarp covering the the entire top and one side. The tarp was a big mistake because it holds water so I've had to punch drain holes. Around 3 sides I put rail road ties, mostly because I wanted them out of the driveway lol. Because it's just temporary and my chicks are moved back to the brooder at night I have not really tried to predator proof it. Once the coop is done and we move the kennel to it's real location I'll add hardware cloth about the bottom, take off the tarp and use deer netting as the top covering.

I'm using chain link in my run since I already had 6 panels of 10 x 6 ft sections. I buried the fence about 6 inches with the hope of keeping out diggers. The holes were a little too big for the chicks at 6 weeks, some of the smaller ones could fit through. But at 8 weeks it seems to be working well.

Here's the best pic I have of the fence. (that's the brooder btw, not the coop)

I've heard it's a good idea to add hardware cloth around the bottom since coons can reach in and grab a chicken through chain link.
"I've heard it's a good idea to add hardware cloth around the bottom since coons can reach in and grab a chicken through chain link.  "

I thought I would put chicken wire or hardware cloth around the bottom to prevent digging. I didnt think about things reaching through, I wouldn't put it past a raccoon either.
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All our runs used to be chain link fence, and I hated them. They were so heavy and annoying to deal with. But if they are in panels like the dog kennels, that would be SO much easier to work with than regular chain link! One of the other downsides is the space in the chain link is big enough for predators to reach in.
Hi, you definitely want to put hardware cloth or some other fencing that has smaller holes around the chain link. I was researching guinea hens and the author had 6 of her guinea hens killed by raccoons reaching through the fence (at the time she used chicken wire for her fence) and actually pulled the heads off her birds. I've been so paranoid about my chicks that I've actually double layered my run fencing.
Hi, you definitely want to put hardware cloth or some other fencing that has smaller holes around the chain link.  I was researching guinea hens and the author had 6 of her guinea hens killed by raccoons reaching through the fence (at the time she used chicken wire for her fence) and actually pulled the heads off her birds.  I've been so paranoid about my chicks that I've actually double layered my run fencing.

Something similar happened to my parents, they had 100 chicks in a raised brooder (like a big rectangle wire cage raised up on 4 legs), and in the morning most were dead from raccoons pulling their feet through the screen! It was terrible!! We have all the usual predators around here, hawks, foxes, coons, possums, and in the last few years we've even seen glimpses of bobcats. Since I got this batch of chicks I've been leaving our big dog (9 yr old doberman) with them. She might end up being my best first line of defense! I figure she protects our cats and us, why not the chickens? Right now she just lays down next to them completely uninterested, but she's already making her rounds around the coop and chasing things off at night. I'll have to post a picture when the run is finally attached to the coop to see if anyone notices something we don't or has any more suggestions.
We found a chain link 10x10 kennel on craigs list and set it up this past week. Over the top we attached metal pipe (electrical conduit? I think it's called) with fittings onto the kennel pipe and ran chicken wire the opposite direction over the pipe. Then, I wired all the seams. It's turned out pretty good! And looks nice, too. I'd like to see the hawk that can through there now! :) (I probably just jinxed myself..)

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