Pros and cons of ducks

My ducks have a pen and a hutch. There is food and water in the pen outside the hutch.

Another thing on the PRO side of ducks...

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I adore ducks. I grew up having mallards and I just love their silly antics. They have fun personalities and are fun to just sit and watch.
I am new to chickens though. I have 6 two weeks old chicks and 4 two week old ducklings. The ducklings are far rowdier and messier than the chicks, but they are totally worth it!
Another PRO of ducks is that they eat bugs out of the grass!!
My personal experiences....

Ducks are very happy to be in the same pen with chickens, but they foul the water for everyone. You'll be changing it out every day, which is a pain in the tush and muddies up the whole yard.

Ducks lay a lot of big eggs. If you like duck eggs (I don't), that's great. If not, what are you going to do with them?? Last year I just tossed them into the chicken yard and let the chickens eat them.

Ducks eat a lot if they're cooped up.

Most ducks are NOT cuddly, friendly little creatures by nature. You have to handle them multiple times a day from hatching on if you want them to be pets. Mine still act skiddish if I get closer than a foot away.

If ducks aren't cooped up, they quickly become dinner. We lost every breed of duck we ever bought to coons, possums, foxes, and coyotes. Except the mallards, which can fly. I noticed the neighbors have had good luck with muscovy, but they also fly.

The cutest ducks are crested. So I'd suggest buying crested Mallards if you're going to get some. Ideal carries them.

Kathy in Texas
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I have call ducks.

They are the sweetest little ducks.

They are just like puppies when I go into the pen with them, or when they are in their breeding pens.

They come right over and "talk" to you. Calls are small, so they dont eat alot.

They are easy to care for and raise.

If you want to hatch eggs from them, they are hard to hatch.

They are very friendly little ducks.


I also have some Mandarin Ducks.

They aren't as friendly as my call ducks but they are friendly. Mine were wild when I first got them. Then I put them into a large pen with my call ducks, now the mandarins are friendly. I think putting them in the large dog kennel/pen with the call ducks made them more calmer. These arent loud like call ducks, so they are good if you have close neighbors.

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