Pros and cons to keeping a rooster

Stonebriar Farm

In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 8, 2008
Between Montreal & Ottawa
Well I had my suspicions for a little while - one of my "hens" was a lot bigger than the others and had huge feet, her behaviour was a bit different than the others. I got them as chicks May 15th and this morning on my way to the coop I heard a pathetic but distinct crow! I rushed in and asked "who did that" when he did it again!

These are my first chickens - I have 3 Australorps, 2 Marans and 3 Ameraucana, the roo is an Ameraucana. I am zoned for farming and have nearly 80 acres so that part isn't a problem but I'm trying to decide if I should keep him. I know a roo will protect my flock but what are the down sides? I don't really care to have a lot of mixed breed chicks. Do any of these breeds tend to broodiness?
What are you thoughts?

I enjoy having roosters because they protect my flocks and their antics are fun to watch. If you don't like the noise, that would be an issue but I like the crowing. Usually, people have an issue with noise or zoning (but you don't, so that's good). You don't have to let your hens hatch eggs. Just collect the eggs every day. I'd keep him as long as he's a good roo to his ladies and is not attacking humans.
He will do his best to protect the hens, find food for them, keep the girls from wandering too far (if you free range at all) and break up girl fights.
On the downside, he will crow, although I don't mind it and he may decide at some point in time to challenge you for the alpha spot. At that point you'd have to make a decision to try and correct him behavior or stew him.
Nothing wrong with mutt chicks.
ETA: Just cuz a hen goes broody, doesn't mean you have to let her hatch out chicks.
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Well I love my em. I love watching them dance around their "women." I love watching them strut. I love hearing them crow. I love the way they look.

All of my roosters are protective but not mean. If I pick up a hen and she protests they run right over but have never done anything to me or my young children.

I live on 15 acres and for me I would not have a flock if I couldn't have roosters.

I don't have any cons really.

As far as broody breeds; I know silkies and buff orpingtons. That being said you could easily get a broody from a non broody breed. This summer I've had 2 Isa Browns decide to brood so it can really happen with any breed.

Good luck and cock a doodle do.
Had to laugh at the "protect the flock" comment. When danger presents itself, my roos are the first to run!

Downside... they crow, they mate the hens constantly, they're on the feed bill. If you don't plan to raise chicks, you don't need them.

I've got all the breeds you've mentioned, and none of them have gone broody. I had three go broody about a month ago... a white rock, which is unusual, and two bantam/full-size crosses.

I really like the broodiness of the bantams, but they can't set on more than a few eggs at a time. My crosses are mid-sized chickens, lay medium eggs, and can set on 8 to 10 large eggs. I think it's the best of both worlds.

Kathy, Bellville TX

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