Protein Content?

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The Happster

Apr 5, 2020
Cloud Nine
So I've been buying the same brand of chicken feed for some years now. (Corby Rock Mill, layers)
Where I live it's difficult to get growers & chick starter. My dad bought some from England for me.
I hadn't bothered to check the packets. Today I saw all the bags together and went to check.
The moment of truth.

Corby Rock Mill layers. Protein content 16%. Pretty average. But I'm not happy. I'd like a higher percentage.
Unknown brand chick starter. Protein content 20.5% Again, pretty average. Ideally probably would also be higher.
Unknown brand Grower Feed. Protein content was a beautiful 16%. I did a double take.

That's low protein content, correct?
How can I make sure they're getting enough protein on this diet?

Just gave my younglings an egg with their feed today. I'm happy to continue doing that for as long as my hens are laying.
Suggestions and comments are very welcome.
What are the ages of the birds.
20.5% crude protein is adequate for any age of chicken and a bit high for mature birds.
sorry can I just ask why is high protein bad for mature birds? What is the effects of them eating too high protein? - just asking since I am about to put all mine on 20% protein chick starter as I have chicks hatching soon.
What are the ages of the birds.
20.5% crude protein is adequate for any age of chicken and a bit high for mature birds.
Sorry - can't believe I left that out.

So I have three younglings at 10 weeks. (Eating starter and grower)
Two hens at 1 year.
One hen at 2 years.
Two roosters and two hens at 3 years.
And two hens at 4+ years.

The roosters, chicks and non laying hens have also been given some growers.

The chick starter has just been finished. Worth mentioning too that my birds free range.
Thanks for your reply.
Unknown brand chick starter. Protein content 20.5% Again, pretty average. Ideally probably would also be higher.
Unknown brand Grower Feed. Protein content was a beautiful 16%. I did a double take.

That's low protein content, correct?
That's actually higher Protein for both compared to some brands.

16% Protein is adequate after 6 to 8 weeks.
Myself I don't feed less than 18% from hatch through adulthood.
I would just feed the Starter through 18 weeks, then decide what you want to do.
Myself I have 17 weeks old pullets and got the first egg yesterday.

They are on a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower 18% with Oyster Shells separately, and will continue to feed that or a All-Flock crumble 20% if Starter-Grower isn't available.
My Barred Rocks are 2 years old and never had a Layers feed.
They do get Scratch Grains daily as a treat Scattered in their pen, 1 Tbsp daily per chicken, twice that during winter season. That cuts the Protein of the feed slightly and the adults do free range an hour before sunset daily, weather permitting.

Eggs from yesterday. Bottom egg is from pullet. 20200828_073207_resized.jpg .
Worth mentioning too that my birds free range.
With a choice of 16% or 20.5% I would go with the 20.5% if it's available in Non-Medicated. GC
That's actually higher Protein for both compared to some brands.View attachment 2309399
16% Protein is adequate after 6 to 8 weeks.
Myself I don't feed less than 18% from hatch through adulthood.
I would just feed the Starter through 18 weeks, then decide what you want to do.
Myself I have 17 weeks old pullets and got the first egg yesterday.View attachment 2309421
They are on a Non-Medicated Starter-Grower 18% with Oyster Shells separately, and will continue to feed that or a All-Flock crumble 20% if Starter-Grower isn't available.
My Barred Rocks are 2 years old and never had a Layers feed.
They do get Scratch Grains daily as a treat Scattered in their pen, 1 Tbsp daily per chicken, twice that during winter season. That cuts the Protein of the feed slightly and the adults do free range an hour before sunset daily, weather permitting.
View attachment 2309422
Eggs from yesterday. Bottom egg is from pullet.View attachment 2309425.

With a choice of 16% or 20.5% I would go with the 20.5% if it's available in Non-Medicated. GC
Would giving them extra protein be a good idea? Thanks for your reply, informative as always.
I'm not pleased to have to feed the mature birds layers. I can't get All-Flock around here.
Would giving them extra protein be a good idea? Thanks for your reply, informative as always.
I'm not pleased to have to feed the mature birds layers. I can't get All-Flock around here.
I had a feather picking issue with my first Flock when I switched to a Layers feed 16% at a year old. I wanted the layers feed with extra Omega 3.
I switched back to a 18% layers feed and the picking continued. I bought Pinless Peepers and put on the 3 culprits for 3 weeks before I resolved the issue.

My hens consume a lot of grass and weeds when free ranging. I suspect your chickens do to.
And if you give Scratch Grains like I do you'll cut the Protein even more. GC
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sorry can I just ask why is high protein bad for mature birds?

It's unnecessary to give mature birds higher protein unless you are trying to get them through a molt - it won't harm them, they will perform the same assuming all the other nutrients are the same. Protein is what makes feed expensive so a feed with a higher protein content means that it will cost more.
I'm not pleased to have to feed the mature birds layers. I can't get All-Flock around here.

All-Flock and unmedicated chick starter can be used interchangeably, unless you wanted pellets. (Chick starter only comes in small pieces, for obvious reasons!)

Either way, as long as you remember to have oyster shell available for the layers, it should be fine to feed to all chickens of all ages.
Thanks! I have had the boys on chick starter and grower recently, but even that's hard to get. I suggested stopping the layers and just buying growers to my Dad some months back, and he said the growers were more expensive.
Not by very much though. I'll probably try that.
I've not seen All-Flock at all. I'd imagine I could find some in England though.
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