Proud New Momma and her first peep!

That is sooooo sweet!!!!!
My little bantams make the best moms!!!! I just hope I get a bantam rooster out of all the baby bantams I have right now
That is sooooo sweet!!!!!
My little bantams make the best moms!!!! I just hope I get a bantam rooster out of all the baby bantams I have right now
That's my bantam roo in my avatar. He is the best Roo I've ever had. Great disposition...very protective of his flock and an easy going guy around me. Couldn't be happier with my bantys! Good luck on getting a Roo out of your hatch!
Congrats! I can't wait to have a broodie... incubating is getting old.
I'm pretty new at this and I've never hatched before, so this is our first all the way around. So far little Goldie is a very good Mom. Now I have to figure out where to put her and her new peep so my Barred Rock doesn't hurt the new peep. Any suggestions??? I could buy a small starter hutch for Goldie and baby to keep them safe I guess.
You could try to build a little box big enugh for the hen and chick/s and put it somewhere where the br couldnt find it or put holes in the box and keep it in the coop.

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