PROUD OF MY NEW EYES !! (pic heavy)

and so wrong too
lol His name is Bloo... cause he's soooo blue!
It's funny watching his head turn when you call his name, almost like he's known his name was BloooOOOOOooooo all his life.

I've never seen Jim back down from any bird. But the day we got the peafowl, I do believe I saw Jim scared for a minute or two.
I can not look. I can not look. I can not have one. I can not have one.

I have visited Peachick, here in Maryland and her peacocks are gorgeous. Several of hers free-range and the others are in flight pens. I don't know that my neighbors would enjoy them flying around and how loud they can be.

I can not have one. I can not have one. I can not have one.

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