PS3 vs. XBOX 360


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Just figured I'd ask you guys what you prefer and why. I'm looking at getting a 32 inch flat screen and I was going to buy a DVD/VHS player to go with it. They are about $60-$80. However, I'm thinking it might not be such a bad idea to splurge and treat myself to one of these two game systems instead. That way I could have wireless (for my netflix account), a game system, and a DVD/Blu-ray player.

I have a Playstation 2 and the only PS3 game I had my brother sold by accident. I'm not a big game player, but I like having a few around to play when I get bored. The PS3's are a little more expensive (I saw $260-$270 for a smaller gig one). My family has always been a playstation one, but I am willing to go either way. So what are the pros and cons of each? Is there any difference in pricing of games? Or should I just skip the game console and buy a DVD player?

Thanks in advance!
PS3 games can be played online for free.
You have to purchase a monthly or yearly card to play X-Box games online.

We have a ps3, kids like it, although the whole network was hacked last month and
online was down for well over 3 weeks.
If you don't want to have to buy a separate Blue-ray player get the ps3. If you want a larger community of gamers you get an Xbox 360. Con of the Xbox 360 is yearly payments of 50 dollars which is less than 5 dollars a month. Ps3 however is free online. Both systems let you use Netflix. I personally chose both the Ps3 and Xbox 360. I only use the PS3 for playstation exclusives. I play Xbox more because 90% of people have microphones (which come with the xbox, PS3 makes you buy separate) while PS3 has way less people that I have personally noticed on microphones. They both have their pros and cons though. PS3 got hacked last month and was down, their marketplace, where you buy games and other items, is still not fully operational. As I stated I personally went with Xbox. only reason I have PS3 is for the Blue-ray and PlayStation exclusives. (I also like controller on Xbox more)
PS3 is better in my opinion, 360 requires you to pay for the online abilities. PS3 plays blu rays and is free to get online (wired or wireless internet capabilities), and I don't know if you are a game person or someone looking to get healthier, but I have the 360, ps3, and wii.. and the 360 has a better motion thing going on with the kinect, but ps3 is better all around. The only thing my DH hates about ps3 is the regular remotes aren't ergonomic for his hands. We have the PS3 move and playing it right now, fun but wii and 360 have much more games. All three systems do Netflix... We never even play the 360, and it was free, but we're not paying to use their servers when we already pay comcast, just kinda redundant.
Thanks for the replies guys. They are very helpful!

For the XBOX 360, would I have to pay $50 just to use the wireless I already have at my house? Does that mean I'd have to pay to use Netflix with it? Or is that fee just for online gaming? I don't really play my games online, so that wouldn't really be an issue for me. However, it would be if I had to pay to use my Netflix on the 360.

Both systems do blu-ray, right?
PS3 is the only one with blu-ray. To access things like netflix, facebook, and buy games online and play online you have to pay 50 dollars yearly. (thats with the Xbox) not including what you have to pay with netflix. I never used netflix so I don't know much it is or how it works.
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We prefer PS3 and I know the play stations play music cds. I don't know about the xbox being able to play music cds.

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