Psst! Sourland! Happy Birthday!

Sourland will be along presently to say "thank you."

Just at the moment though he's off brooding about being another year older.

Happy Birthday!
By all means, we need to send the Happiest Birthday Wishes
to Sourland.

I think he's 24 again too. Or at least somewhere close to that age.

This sudden rash of birthdays, could it be a ploy for brownies? men would never think of lying.

Tomorrow is not Farm Boys birthday.....however, it might maybe be
an anniversary or something. Give him a few minutes to consider his
Happy Birthday to a dear friend, but I do have a question.

George, what exactly did the the Appalachians and Sourland Mountain sound like when they were forming? Was it really noisy?
Happy Birthday George!

I hope this day finds you healthy, happy and full of peace and joy. I'm so glad to know you and call you a friend. Now go out and spoil yourself, it's your special day!

I just love your stories of the old days when you invented running Beagles after rabbits.

btw, tomorrow is not my birthday, it's my... ummm... Saturday?
Is that good enough for brownies?

George is only like 25.....

Has been ever since I've known him.

btw Tanicha, ancient is always about 30 years older than you are at the time...
When I was 20 I thought 50 was ancient, now that I'm.. umm older? I'm thinking ancient has to mean over 100?
Well, as long as we keep it alive and upfront on here, he'll find it when he gets back from his wild birthday bash.

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