Psychotic Chicks. Tell me about temperment...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Western New York
I gave 23 of our eggs to a friend and schoolteacher who hatched 20 of them! They are purebred RIRs and RIR mutts w/ either brahma, black star, or ? They are all, of course, simply lovely, except for the fact that they are the most uptight, angry, active, boisterous, roostery acting chicks on the planet. They are only 3 weeks, so I have no idea if they are roosters but they sure act like it. Any chance that the gender ratio is not 50/50 w/ chickens and these are acting spazzy because so many are male? Or maybe they are just possessed.
It's most likely 50/50 but you know they're always exceptions to the rule (like families that have 10 children - all girls.) Perhaps some soothing music?

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