psycic power!!!

Lil Chirp

11 Years
May 2, 2008
I was getting bord anyway so here might be a fun game
Here are the rules,
you ask any question, for example will most of my ducklings hatch,
and the person below will give a "psycic" answer.
Try to be creative.

I'll start.
will I find a good milk goat next month?
May 5, 3:45 P.M. It will be given to you by a semi-rich lady, tired of the farming life.

When will Earthbound be released on the Wii?
Yes, you need to rest your mind so you can be ready for an epic quest.

When will I remember my PIN?
on the twenty third of this month

will I ever learn more than the open strings with my guitar?
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please people Im on my hands and knees begging.
I guess this thread is too boaring.

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