puffed up weak chick...does cocci always have to have bloody poo?

You should be OK if you treat with Corid and then switch your chick food to the medicated version. The medicated chick food should prevent another outbreak. Don't feed the medicated stuff while you use Corid. It's the same medication and they won't need it. The chicks will build up their own immunity with the help of the medicated food. It won't kill off all the cocci. Leaves enough to get immunity going.
Whenever one of my girls seems a bit "off", I supplement her diet by feeding her some foods that are high in vitamins A, K & E , especially vit. A. She might have a nutrient deficiency, and vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins for a chickens overall health.
Some foods high in vit. A are: broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, mangoes & tomato juice. Spinach, peppers & alfalfa leaves for K, and sweet potatoes & broccoli for E, which helps boost the immune system.
If you have any of these veggies, boil them up until they are soft & chop them into bite-size pieces or mash them with a fork.
I'd add some Sav-A-Chik or other vitamin/elecrolyte solution to her water until you can get some amprolium, or give her a drop of Poly-vis-ol from Enfamil (no iron formula) a day for a few days. 1 drop for chicks, 2 for smaller hens, 3 for standards.
When you have her on amprolium, do not add anything else to the water.

Coccidiosis (cecal):
Incidence: common poultry ailment worldwide, especially in warm, humid weather.
System/organ affected: cecum
Symptoms: in chicks or young birds: droopiness, huddling with ruffled feathers, loss of appetite, slow growth, bloody diarrhea.
Cause: protozoan parasites.
Transmission: contact with droppings of infected birds; spread by secondary means (equipment, shoes, etc.)
Prevention: good sanitation, keep clean, dry litter.
Treatment: 1 teaspoon amprolium per gallon of drinking water for five days. Antibiotic treatment guards against secondary infection. Follow treatment with vitamin supplements of A and K.

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