pullet acting odd

Kim, if TSC only sells straight run, and they can't keep their breeds straight, I certainly hope you take your business elsewhere. Until the customer holds these companies accountable for their shoddy business practices, they will continue with the status quo. I know I'm opening up a can of worms here, but have heard repeated stories about mis-representation of breed and gender. One gal in Maine stopped to check out the chicks, and the tub of PBR pullets was ALL MALE. Last spring, I special ordered Dominique pullets (from an other company) and got ALL MALES. Now, anyone who's spent 5 minutes researching that breed should be able to identify male vs female chicks because they are AUTO SEXING.
thank you for that info,when i went in and asked about when they were getting more chicks he told me in February,I asked about mail ordering,and the ratio hen vs rooter,he said to mail order I had to order at least 25(more than i want) and the ratio is 85% hens,i really only want hens,i have 3 roosters now,2 more than I need
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Kim, you might put out info on your state's thread looking for someone to split an order with you. at least direct hatchery orders give you a 48 hour live bird guarantee. And you would be more able to hold the hatchery accountable for their 85% guarantee, where if you ordered through a local vendor, you're out of luck on both counts. I think MPC guarantees gender (or refund in the event of error) but, they act as a middle man, getting their birds from other hatcheries, so far as I know. I can't wrap my head around that one, especially re: hatch date vs. delivery date. Do your homework, in any case. The other option is to buy local from a small time breeder in your state.
I have checked with one person and her pure BO are almost a year old I was wanting them a little closer to the age I have don't know if it makes any difference,and I checked with another that had a post at our local farm supply,she advertised for BO but when I called she said they were mixed...so I backed out of that,also doing research on introducing new members to the flock it says to quarantine for 30 days,unless you get them as chicks,i just did not want a 2nd pen,i did not see this coming,thought I could buy what I needed and wanted and it would be all good,i will find some just wanted to keep my girls safe and the guys happy

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